Monday, September 29, 2014

Week 5: I am Going to Freeze

Hello Everyone!
Hope you are all doing well! This week’s weather has started to change! I am already starting to get cold! I am going to freeze when it snows! We were walking home last night around 8:45 and we could see our breath. It scared me because I am going to have to start bundling up everywhere I go. The weather has been bi-polar. Sunny one day and pouring rain the next. I definitely got soaked this last week. So this week we had exchanges. Elder Downey is the District Leader so he has to go on 5 exchanges instead of 2 like everyone else. That means I have to have 5 new companions in an area they do not know and I am still learning. It is really interesting having to take the lead all day. It is a very good learning and humbling experience. Since he is a District Leader I have been exposed to things that only he has the power to do. I have had to learn what I can and cannot do or what I have and won't have when my companion is not a leader of some sort. He is feeling better. His allergies are not bothering him as much but he still has trouble with migraines.  This week was very unsuccessful. No one absolutely no one kept their appointments other than those that are  members. People we teach keep dropping us for no reason. We have decided to change our approach and strengthen the wards before we do other work. President Brinkerhoff gave our stake an inspirational talk so hopefully it will give all the Bishops and Ward Mission Leaders a boost. We worked our bums off this week. I was exhausted and hit my bed with relief every night. We never stopped going but little success came from it. I know that as we continue to work we will be blessed. I am doing fine, it weighs down on me sometimes but I just brush it off and try to think of new ways to help. I think it is getting to Elder Downey but I try to keep things positive. So because of all this I do not have any pictures to document our adventures. It is crazy I am already on my 5th week. It has been slow but also fast. I enjoy each day and am learning a lot. Miss you all so much and love you to the moon and back! Have a great week keep reading a chapter a day from the Book of Mormon. If you do that three times I will be on my way home!
Love you and pray always,
Elder Rush 

Spiritual Experience
This week I do not have much time. Here is a thought! Build your hope. Believe that our Father in Heaven will help us because He will. As we Believe we build our faith. Without faith everything we do is impossible. Even if it is just faith that a light switch will give us light. We know that it will happen from experience. Continue to act on your beliefs and our faith will shine. Do the little things, read your scriptures, say your prayers, and be kind to all. Love you all!
Be good,
Elder Rush

Elder Rush at  mom's "Happiest Place on Earth" again!

Elder Rush wrote little letters to his nephews and niece. I just loved them so I had to share.

How is soccer going? I heard you scored some goals! That is so awesome! Keep practicing hard and do not give up! You can do it, if you believe you can! Keep working hard. Make sure to always encourage your team and help them get up as they fall. As you help your teammates you willl become a better leader as well as player! Make sure to get your Eagle Scout Award so you need to start working on that now. And do your best in school, it will help you in all areas of your life. Also be nice to your family, make sure to help your brothers and sister grow up big and strong.  Love you Jayce!

Hi Rory! Did you break anyone's leg yet in your soccer games? How is Owly? I hope you are being a good girl and helping your family be good! Thank you for your pictures you drew!  Love you Aurora!

Hey you big SNACK! Make sure to help Robin be a good guy. As Batman you need to teach him to do what is right and love him. Oh and I have been eating all your candy!  Love you Batman!

Hello Joker Abomination! I like your Robin costume. you will make a good super hero one day but for now you need to be the best super side kick!  Love you Robin!

FYI: Evan (aka) Robin, tells everyone which Super Hero they are. Everyone is always a Super Hero except Mitchell. He has always been a villain, Joker or Abomination. Now that he is gone, he is Captain America. 

A letter from Mitchell. In his drawing he is sunning (he is my beach/sun boy) His companion, Elder Downey loves the rain. What I don't understand is why Elder Downey is in the mouth of a very stylish whale? Thank heavens he is smart and very athletic because he's not making it in a career of art! Love my boy!

Elder Downey is a convert of 3 years, and none of his family supports him very much out here. He is one of the most spiritual people I have ever met and pretty upbeat as well, as long as his head is not going to explode. (He gets horrible migraines)
Well last week we had one major successful day. Everyday is full of success, and I am grateful for it. I am not really a fan of keeping track of people as numbers but it has to be done to keep things organized. So in terms of number success Tuesday was awesome. Everyone of our appointments went well and everyone showed up. The best part was with an investigator who is divorced from a member of the church. He has two kids who have been baptized, but he is not really interested. That is what he tells us, but he really is. He sits outside his house every night, so we always walk up to him and visit. He usually keeps a gun on his lap because he was a police officer, so it is kind of intimidating walking up to him. We just talked trying to get to know him, finally he opened up. I knew it because he put his gun away! Before we left we shared a scripture with him about God always helping us through our trials, but He never really takes them away. After the scripture we told him to pray to know if it was true, and we did right then and there. His daughter came out of the door and drew away from the strong spirit we all felt. Elder Downey and I both knew he felt it and knew he wouldn't be able to sleep that night.
Take care pray always,
Love Elder Rush

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

An Oops Turned into a Tender Mercy

I ordered my Mitchell some warm clothes on the internet from Mr Mac in Utah. I gave them the address that Mitchell gave me for the mission office where all the mail goes. I received a call from Mr Mac saying the address I gave them was wrong. I told them I would double check and get back with them. I looked on line, and the old address was all I could find. So I decided to call the phone number that was listed on the web site for the Idaho Pocatello Mission Office. President Brinkerhoff answered the phone. I could have died! Of all people, I did not want to bother the Mission President. I told him I was trying to call the office to double check the address. Evidently the number I called was his personal office number. He asked who I was, which I truly did not want to tell him. Reluctantly, I did. His response was, "Your tall, handsome son was just in my office." He went on to tell me he was doing good and was all smiles. He told me Elder Rush and Elder Downey were a great companionship, and that they were doing great things. Of course I started to cry. He thanked us for raising such an amazing son, and chatted a bit with me before he said good bye.
I wanted to share this experience because, this sending my Mitchell away for 2 years is definitely the hardest thing I have ever done. Most days I struggle, and this particular day was one of them. My daughter Kristalyne and I were just talking about how Mitchell seemed down in his last letter and we hoped he was ok. A Tender Mercy, I got a confirmation first hand from Mitchell's Mission President letting me know he was ok, all smiles and loves what he is doing. Our Heavenly Father knows each of us personally, and knows what we need. I'm so grateful for my Heavenly Father's love for me and allowing this Tender Mercy.

Monday, September 22, 2014

First Taste of Idaho Rain


Mitchell's wearing his waterproof bag cover on his head, crazy Elder Rush! 
 FYI, he does not fit on his bed or in his shower!

Sorry this took so long Elder Downey was dying this morning. He got an allergy shot on Tuesday that is suppose to last for 3 months. When the weather gets all stormy, he gets really bad migraines. He has been dealing with it for 9 months now which really stinks. 

Elder Downey, Mitchell's companion has been very sick. Mitchell said he feels like a mom, doing all the cooking and cleaning. You go Elder Rush!
This week has been pretty slow. We did not have much success number wise, concerning total number of lessons and such. We had many appointments but many flaky people as well. Most the time we would be walking to the the person's house and they would drive past us. We'd wave and then it would be really funny to see the guilty faces they had. So no real success. But I am not discouraged nor stressed. I am grateful everyday for the opportunity to serve Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ as well as the people here, it is kinda like getting paid to work. How can you be sad if that is happening? This week I got my first taste of Idaho rain. Elder Downey loves the rain so he likes to walk in it, meaning we got soaked. It was not too bad. It is a nice break from the sun burning down your back all day long.

I miss you all so much. I am not in love with Idaho or the people yet but I can feel it slowly working inside me.  I have met  people that I have already grown to love. They are awesome to be already to teach. The other day we were helping a less active member fix up his back yard and he was surprised I was from California. He told me everyone from there was evil. I thought it was pretty funny. Elder Downey told me that was how everyone in Idaho feels about California. We got to be witnesses for one of our investigator's wedding that was pretty cool.   I am enjoying my mission. Success or failure, I am here to serve and if I do my best with that everyday I am happy. Yes, I am faced with frustration at times but I let it go faster than it comes. I have been trying to pick a Christlike Attribute to develop, but once you start with one you want to become all the others. One thing that has been going well is the Ward Mission plan. And I challenge you all to follow it as well. They are doing 4 Family Home Evenings out of Preach My Gospel. So in chapter 3 there are 5 lessons. So pick one for each week for four weeks. I know as you do that you will be blessed. Do not give up on your reading and praying, as we do it, it becomes easier. 

I miss you all so much. Please keep me updated.
Love Elder Rush

Spiritual thought
So this week I have really found the importance of faith. Faith at times is hard to build. I know that I have at times, had struggles believing. When we build our faith in Jesus Christ the rest follows. When we truly believe He is there for us, we will want to become like Him. We will follow his example and do as He did. Also if we believe in Him we believe in everything else for instance the Book of Mormon. I think it is in 2 Nephi 33:9-12 that it sums that up. It is so important to look for the Heavenly help we are given everyday. We may not see the Foot prints in the sand but He is there helping us along. Make sure to pray always. It is kinda like my emails, Heavenly Father cannot wait to hear from you. 
Love Elder Rush


Their investigator's wedding.

 The Family History Library where Elder Rush emails on Mondays!
   The happiest place on earth for mom! 

The house where Elder Rush lives (Stairs by the trailer)

Where Elder Rush lives

 Some interesting facts: 
My dad was in 2 of the wards Mitchell covers 9th before his mission and 18th after. My dad grew up less than 1 mile away from where Mitchell lives. 
My mom grew up just south east of his area boundaries, about 1 mile away. 
My brothers 
and I went to Hawthorne Junior High right down the street from where Mitchell lives.
 (The building at the top left corner) my brothers 
attended seminary their 9th grade years at one of the church buildings Mitchell covers, just west of the Junior High. 

Our last house before we moved to South America is about 3 miles from where 

Mitchell lives. I love knowing where my boy is, and being able to picture it. 
Lots of fun memories!


Monday, September 15, 2014

Arrived in Pocatello

Hello Family!!!

I am so grateful for the emails and keeping me up to date. I love and miss you all so much. 

So my last week in the MTC was interesting. An elder in our district came in with a lot of baggage and was struggling. It was super cool to see our district come together and support him through his trials. Sadly he had to go home for therapy. Other than that the MTC was awesome. The newbies we got to help are serving in the Irvine, CA mission. I told them to run away to the house if they ever needed snacks or baked goods:) We took a bus up to Pocatello from Provo. It was pretty quick. The President's home in Highlands was sweet. 
We  had potatoes for lunch and dinner. Yummy potatoes. We had the rolls that mom makes so it reminded me of home. But they weren't as good. 

 I am in the Pocatello West Stake we cover the 9th, 18th and 26th wards just outside of Chubbuck. My companion Elder Downey is from Kentucky. He's 5'8" and reminds me a lot of Ben Provolt. He has been out for almost 19 months now. We live in a little apartment on the side of a members home. 871 Jones Dr. is our address.  Pocatello reminds me a lot of Escondido with the small houses everywhere. Except when you go inside they have basements upon basements. They all live underground in secret tunnels it's crazy. The weather is like home for now just a little windy and cold. The people here are mostly less active at least in my area. We are focusing on them. Most the time we go to their houses and set up appointments  then we go back and they aren't there. It is frustrating but there is not much I can do about it. I do not really feel like I am on a mission, it just feels like I'm going about my daily life with different clothes. I am not sure what else to say. The things I want to say disappear when I start to email. My first day we taught a part member family. The husband is lutheran and I asked him to be baptized. He said that he was and that his pastor did it. I went into the whole proper Priesthood authority and that definitely invited the spirit of contention. Awkward but great all at the same time. 

So my last Sunday in the MTC the devotional consisted of a missionary bearing her testimony. And she said that we need to reaffirm our testimony every day, so we can strength it. That way when the time comes it will stand against the adversity. So that night I put my testimony in a box set it under my bed and went outside to pray. I poured my heart and thoughts out asking to know if everything I was devoting myself to was true. I finished up my prayer and went to bed. The next morning I was going through my daily routine.  From that point on to lunch everything was going wrong. During class I could not focus. I could not teach. I could not learn. I felt so empty, like a piece of me was missing from my life. I knew I was missing my constant companion, the Holy Ghost. I felt awful so I did the logical thing and took a nap. I awoke feeling rejuvenated. Knowing God had answered my prayer. We had to teach an investigator later that day and things just went awesome. The Holy Ghost is such a big part in our lives and we do not realize that. We need to build our testimonies daily but words will not withstand the actions of the devil alone. We need to live what we learn, we need to come unto Christ everyday. Just one step at a time. Missionary work is such a blessing and I am glad to have this opportunity to serve.

Hello Family! I am so proud of Jayce and Aurora for the soccer success keep up the good work and do not listen to what other people say. If you try your best there is nothing to be ashamed of.
That Robin outfit is the best and I am glad Weston enjoys changing diapers. I Miss you all so much. A couple days ago I counted all the chapters in the Book of Mormon  and there are 241. I think it would be awesome if you read a chapter a day and you could finish it by May. That goes for all the Family. I know as we read and study the scriptures, even if it is just a verse, we will be blessed in all we do. Ether 6: 6-8 I believe talks about the Brother of Jared crossing the Ocean.  As they did they were swept by the ocean but were always pointing towards the promise land. I think it would be awesome to read and see what it means to each of you. That is for the family also love and miss you. 

The Robin costume Mitchell is referring to.
  Evan and Weston Packard, 2 of Mitchell's biggest fans!

Hola! Hope things are going well in Texas. Keep reading your scriptures. They bless our lives in the little ways that we do not notice.
Missionaries would be thankful to be stopped on the street. It happened to us yesterday.

          Kierstan and Adrian Cadena with Elder Rush or little Bubby as they call him.

I love you all so much and miss you all the time.
Keep reading and praying! 

They said that sending stuff to the mission office is best, the address is 135 South 7th Ave. Pocatello, ID 83201.

We don't really have time for much so I was wondering if you could send me a scarf beanie and gloves all black preferably. Maybe some sweaters, and some thicker church socks.
Oh and some recipes that are easy that I can make last all week.

P-days are Monday and I will be online around 10:00.

Love and miss you all. Please keep me updated and asking questions. It is hard talking about them all in an email, I lose tract.

Love you all. Never give up. Endure to the end always. And do missionary work!
Elder Rush

Sorry I did not look back when I left the car for the MTC. I was super excited and totally spaced. I love you and miss you to the moon and back.


Elder Rush with his new companion, Elder Downey 
 from Kentucky in their apartment. 
I wonder if Mitchell fits on his bed?

My crazy boy with his selfie! Watch out Pocatello!

              Elder Rush with President and Sister Brinkerhoff on his first day, 
9-9-14 in Pocatello.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

E-mail to Elder Rush's Mission President

Here is an e-mail I sent to Mitchell's Mission President and his wife, President and Sister Brinkerhoff.  I loved their response to my e-mail. I'm so excited for Mitchell to serve under the direction of such kind, loving people.

Dearest President and Sister Brinkerhoff,

I want to thank you for your service and care for the missionaries in the Idaho, Pocatello Mission. Our son Elder Mitchell Rush has been called to serve the people of Idaho under your direction, and we are so grateful. We are anxious to hear of his adventures the next 2 years.

When Mitchell opened his call and read Pocatello, Idaho we were in shock. Not that we didn't think that was the right mission for him, but that is where  I was born. My mother was born in Pocatello and my father moved there when he was 3. My parents met at ISU and were married in the Idaho Falls Temple. My father taught  school at Highland High and was a well know home builder. They served many callings, including Stake Pres. When I was 13 my father was called to serve as Regional Representative in South America.  After 3 years in Ecuador and Peru they were called as Mission Presidents to serve in San Diego, Calif. , where I stayed, married my husband and raised our family. I cherish the experiences I had growing up in the mission field. My life has been touched with amazing spiritual experiences.

I am thrilled that our son will be able to go back and serve the people of Idaho. He feels so strongly that he is serving where The Lord wants and needs him to be.

Growing up in the mission field I personally witnessed the affects a mission had on Elders and Sisters. It makes such a difference in their lives, as it does with those they teach. Knowing that and knowing the growth that would take place with our son and our family, it was still the hardest thing I have ever done. Mitchell has been such a light to everyone his whole life, but especially to our family. He has always been there with a positive attitude, willing to do anything and everything for anyone in need. I recently finished treatment for my second battle with breast cancer, and he was my strength. He would take me to my appointments, sit with me during chemo, always check to see if I needed anything. He has been an amazing big brother to his sister who has been struggling with Bipolar Disorder and loved, taught and played with his 3 nephews and niece. I wasn't  quite sure if I had the strength to let him go, pretty selfish on my part. Mitchell is our super hero. There is a quote by J. Michael Straczynski that says, "The whole point of Superman, as originally created, was to be the ally of those who had no other allies. It put that magnitude of power, the most powerful guy in the world, in the service of those who had no hope, no chance." To me, this quote sums up our Mitchell. I have been comforted knowing he is where he wants and needs to be. That he can be a super hero to all the people he will come in contact with in the Idaho, Pocatello Mission. Thank you for watching over our Elder Rush, and all the missionaries in the most beautiful Idaho Mission.

With much love and gratitude,
Laura Middleton Rush

Dear Sister Rush,

Thank you so much for your very informative email.  How wonderful to know you were born here and that your parents have such a rich heritage in the Pocatello area.  Our mission home is in the Highland Stake.  Our prayers are with you and your battle with cancer.  We know that the Lord blesses families as their sons or daughters choose to serve him.  We will be praying that will be the case with you and your family as Elder Rush serves here.

We are excited to welcome him to Eastern Idaho.  Not only is the Idaho Pocatello Mission the right mission for him, it is one of the very best in the Church.  The spirit among the missionaries is high. They have tremendous member support.  Teaching and baptizing has been consistently high and is rising.  We just finished zone conferences and we couldn't be more pleased with the desire to fulfill their missionary purpose our elders and sisters have now.

May Heavenly Father's richest blessings be with you and your family as you send Elder Rush to serve the people of the Idaho Pocatello Mission.  

You have our love and best wishes,
President and Sister Brinkerhoff

Friday, September 5, 2014

One Week Down!

September 5, 2014

Hello Family,
Sorry about last week, my letter was short because time was short. I am sorry I won’t be able to reply to all of your emails. So I am going to start from the beginning again.

Every morning starts at 6:20 and continues with what seems forever long class time. We have breaks three times a day for meals but they are only about 40 minutes long. Some days we have gym time but that is only like three days a week. And then around 9:30pm we return to our residence. The food here is not bad but there is so much of it. I have been pretty disappointed in the chocolate milk but the honeydew is out of this world. I have 2 bowls of it for every meal. The teachers are all super cool and understand what they are teaching. Which is a big change from normal school. Hehehe. One day seems to last for a week but it is one awesome week. When everyone is trying to do what is right it is hard not to feel the spirit here.

My companion, Elder Dalling, is 20 years old from a small town 45 minutes out of Detroit. He is 6'2" and I will be sending pictures with this email. All the computers here require that you buy an adapter for your SD card, which is really annoying and they go super fast. Today is the last time I’ll be writing from the MTC. On Tuesday we leave for Idaho so my address will be changing as well.

I hope you are all doing well. I miss everyone so much but there is no other place I would rather be. I pray for you always. Please keep me updated on everything that is going on. Today we had the opportunity to go to the temple. It was pretty awesome but the San Diego Temple will always be my favorite. 

It’s hard to get down all my thoughts in only 60 minutes of email. All the things I think to share with you just vanish when it is time to write them down. We found the pillow room but it is locked, "The way is blocked and we cannot get out. They are coming!" -LOTRFR HEHE 

Thank you for all the letters and packages I appreciate it very much. You are all awesome and I miss you so much.

Well here at the MTC they record devotionals that are given and they do not share them with the public. One we watched the other day was called the Character of Christ by Elder Bednar. It really touched me. He said that we all need to turn ourselves out onto others instead of inward, when times get tough. At times we feel so scared and hurt that we think only of ourselves, but when we are going through times of tribulation and still care for others more than ourselves, we will learn true happiness. By doing this we can build our testimonies. He also said having only a testimony is not enough. Too often people forget how they felt so we must live our testimony everyday to convert ourselves unto the end. The people of ancient times were given signs and miracles to build their faith and often lost it because they did not live their faith. Now days we are not given as great of miracles because we have to build our faith through how we live. Remember that the most important thing we can do on a day to day basis is be better than yesterday. That includes reading the scriptures and saying our prayers. Through Christ all things can be done. I love you and miss you all so much. See you in 720 days.

Pray Always,
Elder Rush

The pillow room Elder Rush is referring to is a room, floor to ceiling of pillows. My son in law Ben asked Mitchell to find it.  Ben said it reminded him of Heaven filled with clouds. Crazy boys!

Mitchell wearing the rainbow kitty shirt Aurora made for him!
Mitchell's room (his bed he fits on!) - journal writing time with Elder Dalling

 Oh how I miss my crazy Mitchell. So glad he still  has his playful side to him!

 10 of the 15 missionaries going to the Idaho, Pocatello Mission on Tuesday!

I know these next 2 years are going to be hard. Lots of tears on my part. I am so proud of my Mitchell for the complete commitment he has made to serve The Lord and the people of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Utah. 

Aurora with Uncle Mitchell. The artist of the rainbow kitty shirt Elder Rush is wearing proudly!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Elder Rush and Elder Greer Reunited

I am missing my Mitchell terribly! We should be getting a letter from him tomorrow. Look what my friend sent me to help get me through the day of missing him! Thank you Susie Greer, our boys reunited again. Elder Bannon Greer and my Elder Mitchell Rush at the MTC. I love it!

Mitchell is looking too thin.  We need to get him to potato land ASAP!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Elder Rush's First Letter From the MTC (Missionary Training Center) in Provo Utah

Good Afternoon Family!                                                                                                
Hope you guys are doing well and I miss you guys a lot.

Well I do not know where to start other than how amazing the MTC is. When I walked through the campus for the first time I felt like an individual and wanted to be the best missionary. But after just two days, I feel like I am just hanging out with my family. I have come to love my fellow elders and sisters because when I look at them I see members of God's army. I feel unstoppable with them by my side. I know with all my heart I was sent here at this time for a reason.

Well my district consists of 10 elders and 5 sisters all heading to the Idaho Pocatello Mission. We actually leave the MTC on September 9. Last night I was called to serve as our district leader and oversee the people going to my mission for now. It is so crazy here. Yesterday was probably the longest day of my life. It seemed like multiple days had blended into one. My companion is Elder Dalling, he is from a city just outside of Detroit. He is a cool elder. It is pretty crazy how perfect these companionships were assigned, everyone gets along and helps the others become better. We have definitely become a family and serving with these Elders in the future will be a privilege. The most amazing thing about these past two days is how much I have already learned.  I feel the spirit every second of every day. The teahers are awesome. This place is awesome. Life is very challenging and tiring but like that saying goes "I never said it would be easy just that it would be worth it." I have learned that my mission started the minute I got out of the car. There are Elders here that say they don't belong or are scared. I know I am not here to teach them the gospel but to help them feel the gospel. Just being examples to those that need it is enough. Grandpa's poem I shared at my farewell really sums up my purpose and all of our purposes. Remember people are always watching. There is so much to say but so little time. I love it here and I love what I am going to be doing these next two years. Only 727 more days to go. I love you guys. Take care until next week and keep being awesome.
Pray Always,
Elder Rush 

P.S. I fit on my bed.

The "Grandpa's poem" Mitchell refers to is by  

Helen L. Marshall

 You Never Know

You never know when someone

May catch a dream from you.
You never know when a little word,
Or something you may do
May open up a window
Of the mind that seeks the light
The way you live may not matter at all...
But you never know - it might.

And just in case it could be

That another's life through you.
Might possibly change for the better
With a broader brighter view.
It seems it might be worth a try
At pointing the way to the right
Of course, it may not matter at all,
But then again it might.

I love this poem.  Like Mitchell said, "people are always watching."  I am so proud of my Elder Rush, and the light that he is sharing with the people he will come in contact with these next 2 years.  Long years for me!

I'm excited for his next letter, coming this week.  Stay tuned!

Our last photo together; Goodbye for 2 long years!

             Last grandma and grandpa hug for awhile.