Monday, September 15, 2014

Arrived in Pocatello

Hello Family!!!

I am so grateful for the emails and keeping me up to date. I love and miss you all so much. 

So my last week in the MTC was interesting. An elder in our district came in with a lot of baggage and was struggling. It was super cool to see our district come together and support him through his trials. Sadly he had to go home for therapy. Other than that the MTC was awesome. The newbies we got to help are serving in the Irvine, CA mission. I told them to run away to the house if they ever needed snacks or baked goods:) We took a bus up to Pocatello from Provo. It was pretty quick. The President's home in Highlands was sweet. 
We  had potatoes for lunch and dinner. Yummy potatoes. We had the rolls that mom makes so it reminded me of home. But they weren't as good. 

 I am in the Pocatello West Stake we cover the 9th, 18th and 26th wards just outside of Chubbuck. My companion Elder Downey is from Kentucky. He's 5'8" and reminds me a lot of Ben Provolt. He has been out for almost 19 months now. We live in a little apartment on the side of a members home. 871 Jones Dr. is our address.  Pocatello reminds me a lot of Escondido with the small houses everywhere. Except when you go inside they have basements upon basements. They all live underground in secret tunnels it's crazy. The weather is like home for now just a little windy and cold. The people here are mostly less active at least in my area. We are focusing on them. Most the time we go to their houses and set up appointments  then we go back and they aren't there. It is frustrating but there is not much I can do about it. I do not really feel like I am on a mission, it just feels like I'm going about my daily life with different clothes. I am not sure what else to say. The things I want to say disappear when I start to email. My first day we taught a part member family. The husband is lutheran and I asked him to be baptized. He said that he was and that his pastor did it. I went into the whole proper Priesthood authority and that definitely invited the spirit of contention. Awkward but great all at the same time. 

So my last Sunday in the MTC the devotional consisted of a missionary bearing her testimony. And she said that we need to reaffirm our testimony every day, so we can strength it. That way when the time comes it will stand against the adversity. So that night I put my testimony in a box set it under my bed and went outside to pray. I poured my heart and thoughts out asking to know if everything I was devoting myself to was true. I finished up my prayer and went to bed. The next morning I was going through my daily routine.  From that point on to lunch everything was going wrong. During class I could not focus. I could not teach. I could not learn. I felt so empty, like a piece of me was missing from my life. I knew I was missing my constant companion, the Holy Ghost. I felt awful so I did the logical thing and took a nap. I awoke feeling rejuvenated. Knowing God had answered my prayer. We had to teach an investigator later that day and things just went awesome. The Holy Ghost is such a big part in our lives and we do not realize that. We need to build our testimonies daily but words will not withstand the actions of the devil alone. We need to live what we learn, we need to come unto Christ everyday. Just one step at a time. Missionary work is such a blessing and I am glad to have this opportunity to serve.

Hello Family! I am so proud of Jayce and Aurora for the soccer success keep up the good work and do not listen to what other people say. If you try your best there is nothing to be ashamed of.
That Robin outfit is the best and I am glad Weston enjoys changing diapers. I Miss you all so much. A couple days ago I counted all the chapters in the Book of Mormon  and there are 241. I think it would be awesome if you read a chapter a day and you could finish it by May. That goes for all the Family. I know as we read and study the scriptures, even if it is just a verse, we will be blessed in all we do. Ether 6: 6-8 I believe talks about the Brother of Jared crossing the Ocean.  As they did they were swept by the ocean but were always pointing towards the promise land. I think it would be awesome to read and see what it means to each of you. That is for the family also love and miss you. 

The Robin costume Mitchell is referring to.
  Evan and Weston Packard, 2 of Mitchell's biggest fans!

Hola! Hope things are going well in Texas. Keep reading your scriptures. They bless our lives in the little ways that we do not notice.
Missionaries would be thankful to be stopped on the street. It happened to us yesterday.

          Kierstan and Adrian Cadena with Elder Rush or little Bubby as they call him.

I love you all so much and miss you all the time.
Keep reading and praying! 

They said that sending stuff to the mission office is best, the address is 135 South 7th Ave. Pocatello, ID 83201.

We don't really have time for much so I was wondering if you could send me a scarf beanie and gloves all black preferably. Maybe some sweaters, and some thicker church socks.
Oh and some recipes that are easy that I can make last all week.

P-days are Monday and I will be online around 10:00.

Love and miss you all. Please keep me updated and asking questions. It is hard talking about them all in an email, I lose tract.

Love you all. Never give up. Endure to the end always. And do missionary work!
Elder Rush

Sorry I did not look back when I left the car for the MTC. I was super excited and totally spaced. I love you and miss you to the moon and back.


Elder Rush with his new companion, Elder Downey 
 from Kentucky in their apartment. 
I wonder if Mitchell fits on his bed?

My crazy boy with his selfie! Watch out Pocatello!

              Elder Rush with President and Sister Brinkerhoff on his first day, 
9-9-14 in Pocatello.


  1. Oh my goodness! This is crazy stuff! How in the world did I miss that Mitchell was coming to Pocatello? I am now on the lookout for a tall, very tall, handsome, blonde, cousin missionary. Need me to make his favorite recipe and smuggle it to him?

  2. Hi Dana, I would absolutely love you to smuggle anything to him. He is looking too skinny to me! He loves food, not picky at all. I'm so excited I have family spies in his mission!:) xoxo
