Monday, September 22, 2014

First Taste of Idaho Rain


Mitchell's wearing his waterproof bag cover on his head, crazy Elder Rush! 
 FYI, he does not fit on his bed or in his shower!

Sorry this took so long Elder Downey was dying this morning. He got an allergy shot on Tuesday that is suppose to last for 3 months. When the weather gets all stormy, he gets really bad migraines. He has been dealing with it for 9 months now which really stinks. 

Elder Downey, Mitchell's companion has been very sick. Mitchell said he feels like a mom, doing all the cooking and cleaning. You go Elder Rush!
This week has been pretty slow. We did not have much success number wise, concerning total number of lessons and such. We had many appointments but many flaky people as well. Most the time we would be walking to the the person's house and they would drive past us. We'd wave and then it would be really funny to see the guilty faces they had. So no real success. But I am not discouraged nor stressed. I am grateful everyday for the opportunity to serve Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ as well as the people here, it is kinda like getting paid to work. How can you be sad if that is happening? This week I got my first taste of Idaho rain. Elder Downey loves the rain so he likes to walk in it, meaning we got soaked. It was not too bad. It is a nice break from the sun burning down your back all day long.

I miss you all so much. I am not in love with Idaho or the people yet but I can feel it slowly working inside me.  I have met  people that I have already grown to love. They are awesome to be already to teach. The other day we were helping a less active member fix up his back yard and he was surprised I was from California. He told me everyone from there was evil. I thought it was pretty funny. Elder Downey told me that was how everyone in Idaho feels about California. We got to be witnesses for one of our investigator's wedding that was pretty cool.   I am enjoying my mission. Success or failure, I am here to serve and if I do my best with that everyday I am happy. Yes, I am faced with frustration at times but I let it go faster than it comes. I have been trying to pick a Christlike Attribute to develop, but once you start with one you want to become all the others. One thing that has been going well is the Ward Mission plan. And I challenge you all to follow it as well. They are doing 4 Family Home Evenings out of Preach My Gospel. So in chapter 3 there are 5 lessons. So pick one for each week for four weeks. I know as you do that you will be blessed. Do not give up on your reading and praying, as we do it, it becomes easier. 

I miss you all so much. Please keep me updated.
Love Elder Rush

Spiritual thought
So this week I have really found the importance of faith. Faith at times is hard to build. I know that I have at times, had struggles believing. When we build our faith in Jesus Christ the rest follows. When we truly believe He is there for us, we will want to become like Him. We will follow his example and do as He did. Also if we believe in Him we believe in everything else for instance the Book of Mormon. I think it is in 2 Nephi 33:9-12 that it sums that up. It is so important to look for the Heavenly help we are given everyday. We may not see the Foot prints in the sand but He is there helping us along. Make sure to pray always. It is kinda like my emails, Heavenly Father cannot wait to hear from you. 
Love Elder Rush


Their investigator's wedding.

 The Family History Library where Elder Rush emails on Mondays!
   The happiest place on earth for mom! 

The house where Elder Rush lives (Stairs by the trailer)

Where Elder Rush lives

 Some interesting facts: 
My dad was in 2 of the wards Mitchell covers 9th before his mission and 18th after. My dad grew up less than 1 mile away from where Mitchell lives. 
My mom grew up just south east of his area boundaries, about 1 mile away. 
My brothers 
and I went to Hawthorne Junior High right down the street from where Mitchell lives.
 (The building at the top left corner) my brothers 
attended seminary their 9th grade years at one of the church buildings Mitchell covers, just west of the Junior High. 

Our last house before we moved to South America is about 3 miles from where 

Mitchell lives. I love knowing where my boy is, and being able to picture it. 
Lots of fun memories!


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