Tuesday, September 23, 2014

An Oops Turned into a Tender Mercy

I ordered my Mitchell some warm clothes on the internet from Mr Mac in Utah. I gave them the address that Mitchell gave me for the mission office where all the mail goes. I received a call from Mr Mac saying the address I gave them was wrong. I told them I would double check and get back with them. I looked on line, and the old address was all I could find. So I decided to call the phone number that was listed on the web site for the Idaho Pocatello Mission Office. President Brinkerhoff answered the phone. I could have died! Of all people, I did not want to bother the Mission President. I told him I was trying to call the office to double check the address. Evidently the number I called was his personal office number. He asked who I was, which I truly did not want to tell him. Reluctantly, I did. His response was, "Your tall, handsome son was just in my office." He went on to tell me he was doing good and was all smiles. He told me Elder Rush and Elder Downey were a great companionship, and that they were doing great things. Of course I started to cry. He thanked us for raising such an amazing son, and chatted a bit with me before he said good bye.
I wanted to share this experience because, this sending my Mitchell away for 2 years is definitely the hardest thing I have ever done. Most days I struggle, and this particular day was one of them. My daughter Kristalyne and I were just talking about how Mitchell seemed down in his last letter and we hoped he was ok. A Tender Mercy, I got a confirmation first hand from Mitchell's Mission President letting me know he was ok, all smiles and loves what he is doing. Our Heavenly Father knows each of us personally, and knows what we need. I'm so grateful for my Heavenly Father's love for me and allowing this Tender Mercy.

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