Monday, September 29, 2014

Week 5: I am Going to Freeze

Hello Everyone!
Hope you are all doing well! This week’s weather has started to change! I am already starting to get cold! I am going to freeze when it snows! We were walking home last night around 8:45 and we could see our breath. It scared me because I am going to have to start bundling up everywhere I go. The weather has been bi-polar. Sunny one day and pouring rain the next. I definitely got soaked this last week. So this week we had exchanges. Elder Downey is the District Leader so he has to go on 5 exchanges instead of 2 like everyone else. That means I have to have 5 new companions in an area they do not know and I am still learning. It is really interesting having to take the lead all day. It is a very good learning and humbling experience. Since he is a District Leader I have been exposed to things that only he has the power to do. I have had to learn what I can and cannot do or what I have and won't have when my companion is not a leader of some sort. He is feeling better. His allergies are not bothering him as much but he still has trouble with migraines.  This week was very unsuccessful. No one absolutely no one kept their appointments other than those that are  members. People we teach keep dropping us for no reason. We have decided to change our approach and strengthen the wards before we do other work. President Brinkerhoff gave our stake an inspirational talk so hopefully it will give all the Bishops and Ward Mission Leaders a boost. We worked our bums off this week. I was exhausted and hit my bed with relief every night. We never stopped going but little success came from it. I know that as we continue to work we will be blessed. I am doing fine, it weighs down on me sometimes but I just brush it off and try to think of new ways to help. I think it is getting to Elder Downey but I try to keep things positive. So because of all this I do not have any pictures to document our adventures. It is crazy I am already on my 5th week. It has been slow but also fast. I enjoy each day and am learning a lot. Miss you all so much and love you to the moon and back! Have a great week keep reading a chapter a day from the Book of Mormon. If you do that three times I will be on my way home!
Love you and pray always,
Elder Rush 

Spiritual Experience
This week I do not have much time. Here is a thought! Build your hope. Believe that our Father in Heaven will help us because He will. As we Believe we build our faith. Without faith everything we do is impossible. Even if it is just faith that a light switch will give us light. We know that it will happen from experience. Continue to act on your beliefs and our faith will shine. Do the little things, read your scriptures, say your prayers, and be kind to all. Love you all!
Be good,
Elder Rush

Elder Rush at  mom's "Happiest Place on Earth" again!

Elder Rush wrote little letters to his nephews and niece. I just loved them so I had to share.

How is soccer going? I heard you scored some goals! That is so awesome! Keep practicing hard and do not give up! You can do it, if you believe you can! Keep working hard. Make sure to always encourage your team and help them get up as they fall. As you help your teammates you willl become a better leader as well as player! Make sure to get your Eagle Scout Award so you need to start working on that now. And do your best in school, it will help you in all areas of your life. Also be nice to your family, make sure to help your brothers and sister grow up big and strong.  Love you Jayce!

Hi Rory! Did you break anyone's leg yet in your soccer games? How is Owly? I hope you are being a good girl and helping your family be good! Thank you for your pictures you drew!  Love you Aurora!

Hey you big SNACK! Make sure to help Robin be a good guy. As Batman you need to teach him to do what is right and love him. Oh and I have been eating all your candy!  Love you Batman!

Hello Joker Abomination! I like your Robin costume. you will make a good super hero one day but for now you need to be the best super side kick!  Love you Robin!

FYI: Evan (aka) Robin, tells everyone which Super Hero they are. Everyone is always a Super Hero except Mitchell. He has always been a villain, Joker or Abomination. Now that he is gone, he is Captain America. 

A letter from Mitchell. In his drawing he is sunning (he is my beach/sun boy) His companion, Elder Downey loves the rain. What I don't understand is why Elder Downey is in the mouth of a very stylish whale? Thank heavens he is smart and very athletic because he's not making it in a career of art! Love my boy!

Elder Downey is a convert of 3 years, and none of his family supports him very much out here. He is one of the most spiritual people I have ever met and pretty upbeat as well, as long as his head is not going to explode. (He gets horrible migraines)
Well last week we had one major successful day. Everyday is full of success, and I am grateful for it. I am not really a fan of keeping track of people as numbers but it has to be done to keep things organized. So in terms of number success Tuesday was awesome. Everyone of our appointments went well and everyone showed up. The best part was with an investigator who is divorced from a member of the church. He has two kids who have been baptized, but he is not really interested. That is what he tells us, but he really is. He sits outside his house every night, so we always walk up to him and visit. He usually keeps a gun on his lap because he was a police officer, so it is kind of intimidating walking up to him. We just talked trying to get to know him, finally he opened up. I knew it because he put his gun away! Before we left we shared a scripture with him about God always helping us through our trials, but He never really takes them away. After the scripture we told him to pray to know if it was true, and we did right then and there. His daughter came out of the door and drew away from the strong spirit we all felt. Elder Downey and I both knew he felt it and knew he wouldn't be able to sleep that night.
Take care pray always,
Love Elder Rush

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