Wednesday, July 6, 2016

We Seem to be Really Good at Making People Cry!

Hello Everyone!!!
I hope you had a great week! Our week flew by, we were really busy! 
I really have two cool stories to share this week.

1. Julia
2. Dani

1. Julia was the lady from last week that we found that was looking for church to go to. This week we gave her a tour of the church, she came to church and we had another lesson with the bishop. Saturday when we gave her a church tour she showed what with a shower cap on. She explained that she was conditioning her hair for church the next day. It was pretty funny! Anyway as we walked around the church she said she felt something different, felt peace and comfort. We went into the chapel and discussed the importance of the sacrament. Julia expressed to us how she felt the need to be at church and partake of the sacrament. It was a spiritual experience. Sunday morning we were waiting for her to show up at church. She came but 10 minutes late. After sacrament meeting she ran home to take some medicine. We waited for her again but no show. Finally at the beginning of the third hour she came back and went to Relief Society by herself. We were really excited to see her. After church Elder Ramirez, myself and Julia met with Bishop Mayer. Bishop tried to get to know Julia and in the process she just opened up to him about the trails of her life. A few months ago her husband just got up and left after 18 years. She told us how she felt so alone, depressed and began to isolate herself. She lost all her friends and her family won't talk to her. During the process she was crying, and told us that we showed up and she knew it was an answer to prayers. Since then she has not felt alone. Going to church for her was really hard, all these things kept trying to stop her from coming. She said " I know that Satan is trying to stop me from being here. I will be here every week."  She expressed how grateful she was to be here. It was awesome! 

2. Dani was another lady that had been though a lot of tribulation in her life. She stopped going to church for a long time but felt she needed to go back. She was mad at God for a long time. We talked to her about how much God loves her and that she is a child of our Heavenly Father. She started to cry (we seem to be really good at making people cry) and told us how bad she wants to know that God cares for her. It was a good reminder to me that God's love brings peace and happiness to our lives.

And lastly from my studies this week, I ran into a few profound scriptures. Very Simple and to the point.

Luke 5:26-27

 27 And after these things he went forth, and saw a publican, named Levi, sitting at the receipt         of custom: and he said unto him, Follow me.
 28 And he left all, rose up, and followed him.
 29 And Levi made him a great feast in his own house: and there was a great company of                   publicans and of others that sat down with them.

So Levi, other wise know as Matthew was invited to follow the Savior just like we are. I love what Matthew does 3 simple steps. He Left ALL, Rose UP, and Followed HIM. We can do that to in 3 steps. We have to decide today to do that when the time comes. I also love what Matthew does right after Christ invites him to follow. Matthew serves Christ. A part of following Christ is service! Anyway I love it!
Hope you have a great week! 
Elder Rush

Selfies with Sister Stoddard's phone! So blessed to have Dan and Barbie Stoddard, Aka mom and dad, take care of my boy!

Breakfast with mom and Dad Stoddard, our Idaho Angel friends!

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