Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Elder D Todd Christofferson

Hello Everyone! 

This week was nice. Transfer week always seems super long when you are transferred! 
We cover 4 wards in the Pocatello North Stake. We live at 5265 Kymball Dr
Chubbuck, Idaho 83202 with the Merrils. Holy cow they are an awesome family. They spoil us so much and are a great example of love and service. We are so lucky to be living in their home! Elder Ramirez is a fantastic missionary. I am excited to see what happens in these next 3 months!
We spend most of the last few days contacting ward members and meeting the people the Sister Missionaries were teaching. One experience that was pretty neat. We were teaching a man named Don. He has been taught by missionaries for a long time. He was outside cleaning his yard so we helped him. As we served he opened up and asked us questions about the Priesthood and why we have it. We had a good discussion with him. The best part was after that. We were leaving to head to another appointment and a lady was walking into her house. We asked her how she was and she said okay. She went into her house and we headed to our appointment. We felt the need to go to see her. a strong impression to go back so we did. Turns out she was looking for a church to go to and has been wanting to meet with missionaries for a while so now we are meeting with her! It was pretty cool! 
And on Saturday Elder D Todd Christofferson held a meeting for all the missionaries. It was super cool to meet an Apostle of our Lord Jesus Christ. I learned some really good stuff! 1. God qualifies the people he calls. 2. The importance of understanding. So often we are quick to judge. Quick to assume something that is not correct. Quick to be offended. I learned the importance of taking a step back and trying to see the situation from their eyes or understand why someone would say the things they say. I think it is something that we all know but often forget. I hope to be better at understanding this week.
Well I hope you have a great week!
Love you!
Elder Rush

Our MTC group at the meeting with Elder Christofferson.

Last picture in Montpelier with the Jensens!

A happy surprise from my nephew Jonathan!
"Hey Aunt Laura,  I hope that you are doing well.  I just got this picture from an Elder whom I served in Norway with and thought that you'd enjoy it! Mitchell is in "Elder" Marley's ward right now.  I thought this was great!
Love you!"

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