Friday, March 4, 2016

Valentines Day Fun

Hello Everyone!
Hope you had a great week!
This week has been good up here in Idaho! We were pretty busy which is awesome!
We had exchanges this week. I went to Chubbuck with Elder Galang on Tuesday!
It was a good day! I love the opportunity to learn from other missionaries! Cool experience! We were knocking on doors trying to find a former investigator. Unfortunately the person moved but fortunately the new residents wanted to talk to us and let us straight in! Their names are Andrew and Cheryl. They are awesome! We had the chance to get to know them and testify of the chance they have to be an eternal family through Jesus Christ! I love sharing that with people! We are eternal beings from our Heavenly Father and He wants us back!!!!
Friday I went to Blackfoot with Elder Horne! Holy Cow, his area was in the middle of no where, aka farmland! They were both quite the exchanges! I ate so much chocolate! So good! 
Anyway back to the spiritual stuff!
We taught a family, the Jacques, in Blackfoot. The older daughter and the mom were baptized in December. The younger daughter and the dad are not baptized. However, this family has nightly scripture study and family prayer! We asked them about the changes they have seen in their lives since doing that! They said they are closer as a family, they spend more time together, and are happier! I love seeing the people prosper as they follow the commandments of God!
Well back to our area! Annabell's baptism is this weekend! I am super excited for her! 
Cool story!
We were out meeting members of the ward Saturday and we were referred to the Heer family! They are from San Diego and their daughter Breanna wants to be baptized. So she said she would on Feb. 27th!
That will be great!
Love you all!
Elder Rush

"He who created us and who loves us perfectly knows just how we need to live our lives in order to obtain the greatest happiness possible." -President Thomas S. Monson!

Our Idaho Angels, Dan and Barbie doorbell ditched Elder Rush and Elder Dalling for Valentines day. Here is a text I got from them. Oh how I love the Stoddards!

"The funniest part of our adventure was driving around through the neighborhood looking for Jesus, we couldn't remember which house they lived is, so we were trying to spot the picture of Jesus in the window."

Exchanges in Blackfoot, aka farmland, with Elder Horne.

Exchanges with Elder Galang in Chubbuck.

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