Thursday, February 4, 2016

This Week has Been Insane

Hello Everyone!
This week has been insane with transfers and all that stuff. Today Elder Dalling and I have a shortened Preparation day so I will touch on a few points real quick!
Wednesday we had a worldwide missionary broadcast from the mission department! It was a great learning experience! One thing that really stood out to me was a quote from Elder Oaks. Paraphrasing he said, If you don't want to have any regrets at the end of your mission then pray for the strength to act in a way where you won't have any regrets! It just made so much sense! I have been doing that everyday and I cannot believe the change that I have seen in my happiness and work! I know that is true for anything in life. Prayer is a great tool to know our Heavenly Father! An awesome quote from church:
If you want to know the Holy Ghost, be obedient.
If you want to know Jesus Christ, study the scriptures.
If you want to know Heavenly Father, pray!
That is so true! 
Speaking of the Holy Ghost! We were running to a sacrament meeting to give talks so we were in a hurry! We walk outside the church building and see a man standing on the corner. I had a strong feeling to take time to talk to him even though we needed to go give our talks! So we quickly went over to him. His name is John. We spoke to him and he stayed for all of church, even though we had to leave. The members of the ward took him in so well! They just instantly became his family! It was awesome to see!
Another quick story! We were teaching Harry on Friday and invited him to church. He committed to come and actually walked to church in the snow! We taught him Sunday night as well! This lesson was great! We discussed the word of wisdom and Harry just brought up repentance and his need to be worthy to be baptized. He just poured his heart out and told us all these things he needed to change in his life. He said the closing prayer and opened his heart to God as he prayed! It was so very heart felt! It has been awesome to see people change as they accept Jesus Christ! 
I hope you have a great week!
Elder Rush

My Idaho Angel Barbie taking good care of my boy!
Elder Rush is really into Scentsys (melting wax) he picking up his order with cookies from my Angel friend!

Tim Tam Slam 
(Biting the end off of a cookie and drinking a glass of milk thru the cookie keeping it whole.)     I guess they have done it with hot chocolate also!

Shoveling snow but realized he lost his phone somewhere in it! Surprise when it melts for the Stoddard family!

Elder Rush has been splitting out his britches!  Major split! One pair was beyond repair! Thanks to my Angel Friend Barbie for saving 2 of the 4 pairs of my boys britches!

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