Thursday, February 4, 2016

I Learned to Appreciate Something More!

Hope you had a great week!
So I want to start off with my schedule for the week!
Being Transfer week and all, it was CRAZY!
Monday: Preparation Day but we had to go pick up a departing missionary from Idaho Falls. Only two missionaries went home this transfer. Our P-day was spent with them. We had dinner with President and Sister Hancock, we had a departing testimony meeting and we played board games. Holy Cow! I learned that playing Monopoly can even drive the spirit away! The game got pretty intense!
Tuesday: We had to be at the airport at 6 AM. We get there and find out the flight is canceled. We head back home and President Hancock takes us to a meeting with the newly created Spanish Zone. We met with the Zone Leaders to figure out the details and answer any questions they had!
After that, Elder Dalling and I had to go finish up some final things before the new missionaries came. We head back to the airport at 12, pick up the new missionaries, have lunch, and begin orientation until 9 that night.
Wednesday: Transfers. We get to the transfer site at 7 because President Hancock wants everything loaded and ready to go by 7:15. No one shows up until 7:45!
We drive up to Rexburg and back. Figure out someone brought their old house and car keys from Rexburg to Pocatello! So we head back up to Rexburg! we get home around 6 and go straight to our lessons at 6 and 7. We have a good lesson with the Turners about the Plan of Salvation. I love sharing my testimony of eternal families especially being a part of God's family! At the end of the lesson they tell us they are moving out of our area in a week! :( Then we finish preparations for the Train the Trainers meeting thursday and friday!
Thursday: Our meeting started 45 minutes late. So that kind threw the rest of the day off! That day was spent running errands and preparing for Mission Leadership Council which is on Friday.
Friday: We have meetings from 9 to 5. Exhausting but so spiritually uplifting! 
So this last week was once again CRAZY!
However I did learn to appreciate somethings more: 
  1. Scripture Study
  2. Writing in my journal
  3. Sleep
  4. Breaks
  5. Free Time
  6. My Mission
  7. Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with people
My favorite thing that I learned this week was the peace that God and His commandments offer you. At times this week I was stressed but never overwhelmed. Some how everything worked out. And all I wish to do now is sit down in a comfy recliner and read my scriptures. I realized it can be hard to make time for scripture study with a hectic schedule but when you do, it will calm your troubled seas. There is so much peace in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and we have the chance to partake of it in an ever changing world!
Another really cool experience this week! We were out Saturday night and we wanted to meet with Brother Belnap, one of our ward mission leaders. We had an appointment in the middle of our area and Brother Belnap lives on the far right side of our area. We finished our appointment and planned to go see Brother Belnap but we had a little impression to go to Aid for Friends. It is located on the far left side of our area. So total opposite direction of where we wanted to go. Anyway, we followed the impression and we drove around the corner to Aid for Friends and guess what, Brother Belnap was there. It was a cool experience to see the tiny miracles God gives to us.
I love you all! Hope you have a great week!
Elder Rush

Elder Rush found a baby sink!  Just his size! :)

Elder Dalling and Elder Rush from New Missionary Orientation.

Sister Crone, one of the Sisters that went to the Idaho Pocatello Mission with Elder Rush and Elder Dalling.

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