Saturday, January 2, 2016

Once Again It Has Been Two Weeks

Well once again it has been two weeks! 
If you have not heard Elder Fontes returned to Brazil. He finished his mission. My new companion is once again Elder Dalling. I guess we did not get it right the first or security nod time. Third time is the charm! I am excited for these upcoming transfers!

Life is always crazy around transfers. The number of missionaries that have been out longer than me is getting smaller and smaller, especially the Sister missionaries. There are only 3 Sisters that have been out longer than me left in the mission. I still remember the day when there were over 250 missionaries in the mission that had been out longer than me! Time is flying! 

We spend most of our time with departing and arriving missionaries. It is interesting to see the different attitudes of those leaving the mission and those just starting!

We were not able to spend much time talking to people in our area but something that was once again reassured to me, is that God puts you in the right place. We had a few extra minutes between appointments so we felt the need to go knock on a door of a referral. No one answered but a man walked outside next to where we were, so we quick walked over to him. We spoke to him about Jesus Christ and what it means to have a Savior. We were able to set up a time to come back and talk to him. It was great! We decided to knock on the door again. This time someone answered and we set up an appointment for tonight! I truly know God makes things happen if you follow His plan!

A spiritual thought for this week talks about making Zion in our hearts.
"I say the only safe ground is our hearts. What Elder Holland said concerning Zion is true. It is no longer about where we build Zion or where we run to find Zion. Zion is here in our hearts, right where we stand and we will expand Zion from there." 
In a world full of trouble we cannot run away from evil and sin but we must stand as a witness of Jesus Christ and be righteous in all places and at all times. I have come to know the benefits of how The Gospel of Jesus Christ blesses our lives!

I love you all and hope you have a very Merry Christmas.
I hope we all can remember the purpose of this Christmas season...Christ.

Elder Rush

Lions and Tigers and BEARS, oh my!

Last time in the snow with Elder Fontes before he heads back to Brazil.

The amazing Stoddards had Elder Rush and Elder Fontes over for a farewell dinner.

Cousin fun, "look who's taller then me!"

The Groesbeck family from Blackfoot who's son is serving a mission here in the Carlsbad Mission.

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