Saturday, January 9, 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!!!
I cannot believe it is already 2016!!!
The New Years day was good! We had the chance to play basketball again
for a few hours and then we had a brunch at President Hancock's house!
I ate so many waffles!
The week seemed super long because of the holidays. It is strange to
have 3 preparation days in one week! I am ready for things to get back
to normal!
I am loving the new area already! The 12th ward we started covering
has not had missionaries in it for quite some time. You could just
feel it when we attended church with them! I cannot wait to get to
know all the people here!

I have been learning so much here. I really love this quote
" What's your excuse for not being who you were meant to be. For not
living up to that idealized picture of yourself you carry in your
head? Most of us have a sweet vision of ourselves as someone better.
But when it comes right down to living up to our standards we can find
a million excuses not to. And by so doing we become someone we didn't
want to be."
"He never fashioned a statue, painted a picture, wrote a poem, or led
an army. He never wore a crown or held a scepter or threw around his
shoulder a purple robe. His forgiveness was unbounded. His patience
inexhaustible. His courage without limit. Jesus changed men. He
changed their habits. Their opinions. Their ambitions. He changed
their tempers. Their dispositions. Their nature. He changed men's
I am grateful I have the chance to go out and tell people about our
Savior Jesus Christ!
I love you all!
Elder Rush

We found the light pole to Narnia!

The first Sister to go home that started her mission with us.

Elder Rush with the missionaries going home at the Rexburg Temple.

Zone Conference 

Elder Rush being a "Techy"

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