Tuesday, August 4, 2015

I Am Very Grateful for the Time I Have Had So Far on My Mission!

I hope you had a good week!
I am very grateful for the time I have had so far on my mission! I
hope I can do even more and help people for the rest of my
Over the course of this last week I learned a lot. But before I get to
that, I wish to share a funny experience. Sunday we were
driving around Rigby and I saw a family and then two teenage boys
walking across the street towards each other! I told Elder Welling to
pull over the car.  We quickly got out and crossed the street trying to
talk to the boys. They ignored us and the family walked up to us. We
started talking to the family and the boys kept going on their way.
When they were about 30 feet away, they started to sprint away from
us! It was pretty hilarious!
Oh and we talked to this guy from Switzerland. His name is Matthew.
He was running around Rigby and we stopped him and taught him about
the restoration of the Gospel. It was awesome. Hopefully when he returns
to Switzerland, he can meet with missionaries!
Anyway, back to the spiritual stuff.
I have been thinking about personal conversion lately because we had
some situations come up in the zone and our area is struggling. I
realized that our number one convert is our self. As we come to the
knowledge of how much God truly loves us and how vitally important we
are to God's plan, it brings a whole new meaning to life. I do not
think we truly understand how important ones soul (our self) really is.
God needs us and we need God. We cannot accomplish our purpose in
this life without Him.
I hope one day I can grow to love the people of the world as God does,
that there will be no fear in doing missionary work.

Doctrine and Convenants 15:6
6 And now, behold, I say unto you, that the thing which will be of the
most worth unto you will be to declare repentance unto this people,

that you may bring souls unto me, that you may rest with them in the 
Kingdom of my Father. Amen

Super Heroes in our apartment!

"My mission mom, Sister Brown, and one of my sisters, Sister Manymules."

Elder Tidwell and Elder Law. Elder Law goes home in 8 days.

They got shorter in this picture☺️

Last picture with Elder Sincere before he goes home on August 11th

Elder Sincere's last email before he completes his mission and goes home. His sweet mom, Leslie shared it with me.What a blessing he has been in Elder Rush's life. I thought this was so powerful. He touched my spirit, and I've never met him. Amazing what a testimony shared can do, whether it is written or spoken. 

It's sad to know that it's almost over, and it's psychologically overwhelming.. I'm excited for home.  I know I've become what God wants me to! It's psychologically overwhelming but, i did it! I fought hard! and I did it! I accomplished my mission with the struggles my Father in Heaven has given me! I fought depression, focus with ADHD and anxiety! I was obedient, I tried my very hardest! I have overcome obstacles! I have found happiness! I have come to know my savior Jesus Christ! I have been humbled, I have made mistakes, I have learned to be a leader, to repent CONSTANTLY, to ...at least try, to mature..lol some times I doubt myself of what I've accomplished, my confidence has waxed as strong as it could in the Lord. My faith is tested as everyone's is. But, I know I'm going to continue to fight! I have enjoyed this mission! I have learned a lot! and I'm ready for the next phase! 
  The best part about this is that I am by no means perfect in faith, knowledge, hope, anything. But, I'm ready to take on what is given me next. I have seen countless miracles here. Some of the most meaningful experiences that I have had on my mission have come this week, and they were through Revelation and studying in the scriptures! I have realized that the way we live has no effect and no purpose unless it is directly connected with the powers of Heaven and most importantly, on the FOUNDATION of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 
  I have seen smoking addicts quit clear. Seen prayers answered, lives saved, lessons learned, families blessed and lives changed! On the other hand I have felt the adversary trying to steer me away from these blessings. I think more than anything, I have become! I don't know that I am ready to go home, but I'm very hopeful that HE will direct me! EVERY AGE WORTHY YOUNG MAN OR WOMEN NEEDS TO SERVE A MISSION! That is my testimony! I have come to know Him. I will continue to strive for eternal life and I will move to the next phase of my life AFTER THIS NEXT WEEK. Till this badge comes off, I will not stop teaching people what I know to be true! And for the rest of my life I will continue to testify of the things which I have felt. I feel like what happened to me before my mission was a direct resulted from the windows of Heaven and especially Jesus Christ. I feel like The greatest lesson to learn on my mission was identifying Jesus Christ as the Master behind this miracle I experienced. It's not just a way of life that has helped me to be disciplined, but it is that I KNOW HIM. Before I realized what life is about and before I lived my life for God, I lived my life for Scotty Sincere. I had done things that I now today preach against, I had disregarded God and my own life. I had NO desire to be successful, No care for my future, or care about my family in general. The elders that brought the spirit of Jesus Christ into my home and that helped me to get here, I will always be thankful and remember. The spirit in which testified to me that ALL this was real and true, That being a servant of the Lord was what I needed to do..overcome me! My mental channel and mind changed, I desire to do good continually as explained in Mosiah 5:2, and my mind was focused on the savior! I love him. I know he exists! Nothing in the world could have done this to me save Jesus Christ himself. That is my testimony! Everything else has fallen into place! I love this Gospel, I LOVE my Savior!

Elder Scott Hanford Sincere
D&C 76: 22 And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!

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