Tuesday, July 7, 2015

I Met Our New Mission President

I hope everything is going well!
This last week we met our new Mission President, President Hancock and his wife. They are awesome! I am really excited to serve with him! He lived on a farm in Winslow, Arizona! He is a great guy!
We had Mission Leadership Council and a mini Zone Conference. They were both very uplifting experiences. It was nice to see all the old missionaries. There has been a lot of changes in the mission lately. It is weird seeing all these new faces. It is crazy to realize how fast time moves.The Fourth of July was interesting. We had a zone breakfast and there is an Elder in our zone that makes foam/pvc pipe swords and stuff so we had a full out battle! It was really fun! After that we played basketball for 3 hours. My body was not in shape for that. I was very sore all Sunday and I am a little sore now! It was totally worth it though! Even though Saturday was an all day Preparation Day, Elder Welling and I thought it would be a waste not to go proselyting for a few minutes, however no one was home. We said a quick pray asking Heavenly Father to lead us to someone to talk to. We said amen and rounded the corner and there were 8 people to share the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ with! It was a testimony builder to me!
On Sunday we received a call from one of our Primary Presidents telling us to get to her house as soon as possible, so we did. There was a young man there that wanted to learn more about our church. That was also fantastic!
At Mission Leadership Council, Elder Welling and I gave the spiritual thought. We discussed complacency and procrastination. We found a talk by President Eyring that discussed those topics beautifully. I encourage you to click on the links below! There is a 3 minute video that talks about it too! I really like the summary of it!
"All of us will need His help to avoid the tragedy of procrastinating what we must do here and now to have eternal life."

Life is not easy, but as we prepare to meet God again, He will lead us along the way.
I know God lives and loves each one of us!
Take Care

4th of July fun!

Part of Elder Rush's MTC group.

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