Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Has Anyone Melted?

Hello all the way from Rigby!
How are you all doing?
Has anyone melted from this excessive heat?
I am doing well. Elder Welling is doing well.
Rigby is pretty interesting! Population roughly 4000, 65% LDS. Everyone knows everyone, Lots of Farm Land!
We cover 4 wards here. The Rigby 5th, 7th, 9th, and Lorenzo wards. 
I miss Idaho Falls but Rigby is awesome!
They have this super fantastic Snow Cone place, that is free!
For my last day in Idaho Falls Elder Sincere and I are trying to accomplishing as much as possible and we were able to set another baptismal date with a man named Joel. So we had 6 baptisms lined up until Lauren and Mason were baptized on Saturday!
 I was able to baptize Mason! It was an awesome experience. The baptism went really well and many many people showed up. I was able to say goodbye to a  few more people!
We are teaching this family from England. They decided to move to the USA. They sold everything came over here and bought a RV. They traveled the country and felt they need to stay in Rigby. Now they are sellign their RV and buying a house! It is pretty crazy! They are fun to teach!
Miracles! Saturday we were walking around trying to finding people and we saw some kids skating in the church parking lot. We walked over to them and preceded to talk to them! We asked if they had been baptized and two of the three were members already. The 3rd said he had been attending church and wanted to be. The best part is he is moving from Rexburg to Rigby in the coming weeks!
After that we were walking down the street and saw this couple getting in their car so I walked up to their window and started talking to them. To make the story short, we taught them a lesson about the Restoration of the Gospel. After we concluded we asked when we could come back and teach them again. He said as so as possible! That was really cool!
It has been a good week!
Something that I have gained a stronger testimony of lately is obedience to the small and simple things on a daily basis. My happiness for the day really depends if I am being exactly obedient to rules like getting to bed  at 10:30 and things like that!
Well I love you all
Take Care
Elder Rush

Lauren and Mason's Baptism

Thank you to The Christensens!  Elder Rush lived in their beautiful home in Idaho Falls.

Transfer day! Hello Elder Welling

So long Elder Sincere

Elder Dalling

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