Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Field Trip to Yellowstone National Park

I can't belive it has already been 8 months!
Sorry for the lack of an update last week but Yellowstone Nation Park
was really cool!
We saw a Bald Eagle, a wolf, some bison, elk, ants, squirrels,
chipmunks, and DUCKS!
It was a beautiful place. My favorite part of the whole day was
waiting for Old Faithful to be faithful. There was a crow just hopping
around and it was getting quite annoying. But it was putting on a show
for the tourists from Asia and Europe. They all gathered around taking
pictures of it. It made me laugh how interested they were in it.
Just want to say Thank you to the Christensens for taking us!

This last week of missionary work has been tough. As the Idaho
Pocatello Mission each companionship is striving to help two people
enter the waters of baptism in May. It was a goal issued to us by
Elder Martino of the Second Quorum the Seventy back in November. We
have been trying to find people to teach but most people like to hide
behind their doors or talk to us because they want to be nice. Anyway
we are still seeing miracles.

We went out to lunch on Thursday with Brother Van Kampen. We got
fortune cookies and mine said "This next month will bring you much
happiness" I though that was awesome and I am grateful for the
miracles and blessings that are in my future!

Our stake was realigned this last week so we will be moving to the
Idaho Falls Central Stake. I am bummed to be leaving the Taylor
Mountain Stake and the wonderful people but there are many miracles
coming our way!

Random Thought: We witnessed a car accident while walking down the
street! It was crazy! But everyone is okay and alive!

Spiritual Thought for the week:
I have been studying a lot lately on the importance of being obedient
to God's commandments and the blessings that come from doing so. I came
across these verses in 1 John 3:21-24

21 Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.
22 And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his
commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.
23 And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of
his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment.
24 And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in
him. And hereby we know that he abidethin us, by the Spirit which he
hath given us.

Obedience ensures us an answer to our prayers. FANTASTIC!
I am now speechless...

Elder Rush
P.s. Have a miraculous week!

The tourists that Elder Rush was referring to fasinated with the crow!

The Christensens, the kind people Elder Rush lives with and fabulous tour guides!

Yellowstone Park with my favoite 
Elder Rush.

Elder Dalling and Elder Rush with a geyser. Love these Elders!

I'm guessing Elder Dalling has come up with a way to carry his sandwich and have stylish head attire?
what is your guess

Our precious Kate Elizabeth Packard born on 4-25-2015. Weighing in at 7lbs 14oz and 20" long. Oh how her Uncle Mitchell would love to cuddle her.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Elder Rush is Looking Pretty Tiny

How are you doing?
This last week was nice. The weather was hot at the beginning of the week. I said hot, it was only 65 degrees. Never thought I would say that is hot!!!! Then it got really cold because the wind was ridiculous.
We had transfers on Wednesday. It was sad saying good bye to four members of our zone!

 Friday and Saturday Elder Dalling was sick. I had a lot of time to study though, so that was awesome!
We found a new investigator by the name of Shannon Mitchel and that was weird because that is my name =) But she is awesome. We had our first lesson with her on Sunday and I felt that she was one of the reasons why I am in Idaho Falls. She said if we had stopped by 2 months earlier she would have kicked us off her door step. That was pretty cool.

I have been listening to this talk from General Conference lately it is awesome! All about enduring to the end and becoming converted!!!

I love you all and hope you are doing well!
Love, Elder Rush

6'6" Elder Rush is looking really tiny! But not as tiny as Sister Wooten!

I spy crazy things!

Elmo, oh my!

It's not everyday you see a license plate like this!

Oh they make me smile! Love our Elders!

Monday, April 6, 2015

This Last Week was Pretty Interesting!


How are you all doing? I hope you are doing well and were able to
celebrate our Savior's resurrection.
This last week was pretty interesting. We have been dedicating our
time to finding new people. Yes that includes tracting. We knocked on 
many random doors and had a great variety of responses. It is funny
how people act when they open their door and see missionaries standing
there. HEHE:) This last week was General Conference. I really enjoy
the opportunity we have to listen to the voice of the prophet of God

and his apostles! I love how they testify of Christ and I would like

to add my witness of Christ.
" And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him,
this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he
lives!" Doctrine and Covenants 76:22
Jesus Christ is the savior and redeemer of the world. He loves us all
and He is risen!
I love you all, hope you have a great week!
Elder Rush

Studly bunny-eared Elders with their baby chick friends. 

                                  My goofy Mitchell playing with his Easter goodies. Love my boy!

Matchy Easter ties for my boys!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Happy Easter

Hope all is going well! I miss you I really do, so I would love to hear from you!
This last week was once again crazy!  We had to prep lessons and trainings out the wazooooooo!
That is okay though it allowed me to learn many new things. I was facing the normal missionary struggles but we had Mission Leadership Counsel on Friday. That includes all the Zone Leaders, Sister Training Leaders, the Assistants, President and Sister Brinkerhoff. It was a very uplifting experience and I needed it to get re-juiced! There is this weird pattern that miracles always happen the last week of the month and the last week of the transfer and those two are very close to each other so we have had many miracles in the past couple of days! I
 enjoy missionary work but it is difficult. I have seen a change already and can't wait to see what else happens! 

One funny experience about talking to people in Idaho about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is how often the first thing they say is "I already know everything, no need to talk to me." Then you get to know them and they do not know quite as much as they think :) Also if you ever run into missionaries remember they are people not just religious robots. We do have feelings :) 

Happy Easter! I am grateful for the infinite sacrafice that Christ made that allows us to return to our Heavenly Father one day. I know that Christ rose on the 3rd day and that He lives. Here is a link to a video about Easter that made me cry!

I would like to share a quick experience about seeking after Jesus Christ. We have been given, by our Father in Heaven, the perfect example to follow in this life. It is our job to learn of Christ, rejoice in Christ and follow His example. 

Ether 12:41  And now, I would commend you to seek this Jesus of whom the prophets and apostles have written, that the grace of God the Father, and also the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost, which beareth record of them, may be and abide in you forever. Amen. 

As we follow Christ we will experience joy and happiness we've never known before.

Elder Rush

    Serious emailing session today! Love my boy!