Monday, February 2, 2015

Families are so Important!

How is everyone doing?

This last week was a long one but it was great! I became sick on Wednesday and I tried to push through it but that was a bad idea! I felt like a furnace and I had an awful migraine. It was super exciting though. We had two baptisms: one for Josh Parris and one for Milenf (Miles, Miley) Murdoch. Both were awesome. It is crazy to see the change that comes over someone when they have the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their life. I saw Josh two days after his baptism and his face had changed and his countenance had changed. It was a wonderful thing to witness. I also had the privileged of confirming Josh a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints. That was exciting as well! 

Last week I read two talks that address the importance of families and loving others. I encourage you to read both when you get a chance. (inks at the bottom) I love that we have the knowledge that the family is the fundamental unit of Heaven. Families are so important but people are destroying them. The family is seen as a burden but it is a special opportunity that God has given us to take care of a child of God. I ask that we all respect families and teach each other the standards we need to be disciples of Jesus Christ! I love you all please be safe and be smart!

Elder Rush

Elder Rush with Josh and Elder O'Brien

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