Monday, February 9, 2015

Elder Rush and Elder O'Brien have a new look

Hello Persons of the World!
How is everything going? How is the weather?
Well it is getting warm here and I love it! No more freezing Elder Rush! Things are going well here. Elder O'Brien and I are working hard, finding people to teaching, and doing our best to fight through our trials! A fun story for this week is we were going to see a family we had not seen in a couple of weeks. We did not have anything schedule with them just a random visit! We knocked on their door, they opened up and  let us in. They told  us they had just been thinking about us and it was a coincidence we showed up then. We asked to share a message and we talked about faith. The son said  to wait because they were talking about faith right before we walked in and that it was another coincidence. So that allowed us to testify of how God works and gives us signs to build our faith. We talked about John 9 which is about Jesus, on the Sabbath, heals a man born blind—The Jews accuse Him of Sabbath violation.
—He lectures them on spiritual blindness.
In the 3rd verse it says "Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him."
 The man was born blind so he could be healed by Christ and the works of God should be made manifest in him. Sometimes we wonder why bad things happen to us and other people. Maybe it is so God can give us a sign to build our faith or a trial that will cause us to turn to Him and rely on Him more. I know that God is our loving Father in Heaven and cares for all of us. He wants to help us. "God is eagerly waiting for the chance to answer your prayers and fulfill your dreams, just as He always has. But He can't if you don't pray, and He can't if you don't dream. In short, He can't if you don't believe." -Jeffery R. Holland
I love you all! Take Care
Elder Rush

I love that my boy calls me mommy and loves and misses me. Makes my heart sing!

How are you doing? 
Elder O'Brien and I are doing well!
We have had a busy week trying to find people, see everyone, and get ready for stake conference!
Oh boy! I love you very much mom! Miss you too! 
Hope you are doing well and I will keep you all in my prayers!
Love you
Elder Rush 

I was having a "miss my boy terribly day". So I email my friend, (spy) in one of Mitchell's wards asking if she saw him. This was her reply!

I sure did and last night... It is Stake Conference this weekend..   He seems good.. I know we have a couple of disappointing weeks with the people, I attend with them when they teach, but they  had 2 baptisms last week so their spirits are up... The Mission President's wife in her talk today mentioned both the Elders and Sisters working in our stake and said what good missionaries they are... She is so right... Your son is an excellent missionary and works hard to encourage the investigators without getting so close that they make changes for him instead of themselves.. That is so important... He understands that he is sharing God's words not Elder Rush's words and he wants to make sure the investigators know that.. you and your husband and I am sure his sisters helped.. have raised a wonderful young man... no wonder you miss him so much!

Princess Elsa, oh I mean Elder Rush and Elder O'Brien looking good! This made me laugh and laugh! Love my boy!

Mitchell's caption, "We are teaching a horse! He ran away eventually!"

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