Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Time Flies too Fast!

Hello EVERYONE!  How are things going? How is the weather? I hope you are all doing fantastic!

Well next week I will have been out for 6 months! That is completely insane! Time flies too fast! Also we get transfer calls this week so we will see where we will end up!

Things have been getting better! I had these weird mood swings the past couple weeks but I found an antidote for it! We have to talk to everyone and share the gospel with them so we have been doing that! The other day we were able to pass out 6 Book of Mormons, multiple pamphlets and many pass along cards! It was quite fantastic! 

On Tuesday we had the opportunity to take 2 people to the temple visitors center, that was very spiritual. I really enjoy the opportunity to study the Gospel of Jesus Christ everyday but wish we had more time! There is this really cool devotional that was given at BYU recently. I encourage you to read it and apply it to your lives. It is about having real intent in all we do!

I have some homework for the whole family like everyone. There is a talk by Elder Bednar called The Atonement and Journey of Mortality!
It is amazing and has helped me recently. 

Hope you are all having a wonderful life! Keep me updated please!
Elder Rush

The Idaho Falls Temple, where Mitchell talks about taking 2 people to the Visitors Center. Also, his grandma and grandpa Middleton were married there 57 years ago.

Fluffy pillowy clouds!


This is Mitchell's reply to his sister, Kristalyne's letter. I loved her account of Stake Conference where we had the priveledge of having Russell M Nelson, an Apostle in our church, speak to us.

Oh my goodness!!!!
Thank you for sharing that message from Elder Nelson. That was amazing and I was filled with the Spirit reading! Holy Moly!:)))))))))) I miss you so much!
Elder Rush

Today was stake conference with Russell M Nelson! It was so amazing!!!!! He is so sweet and humble! He had a great sense of humor too. The spirit was soo strong when he spoke!!! I know with out a doubt in my mind that he is an Apostle of God!!!!! I know that this is Christ's church! I know that our Heavenly Father loves us more then anything and wants us to return home! We are soo blessed to have the gospel!!!! I want to share it with everyone!!!!! I'd like to share a few things from Russell M Nelson's talk today!!!!

First, he talked about how the gospel is the hope of the world! He said that our amazing missionaries are the key to bringing the world the truth! I felt the spirit so strong! I'm so proud of you!!! You are doing an amazing work!!!! You're saving the world! Evan would call you a super hero!!! :) he also said we have more missionaries than ever before, but we need more. He said to teach your children and prepare them to be missionaries! Amazing!

He had all of the children stand and sing, 'I am a Child of God' . It was so touching!!! He said teach these precious children the meaning of these words; they're more then words, they're truth. I wish everyone knew this truth! He said teach them that they are created in His image. Help them converse with Him He loves to hear from His children! Teach them that their Heavenly Father wants them to return home more then anything!!! He said teach them that Godhood is family!!!

At the end he gave us an apostolic blessing. He said I bless you to feast upon the words of Christ and apply the teachings to your life. I bless you to be examples and missionaries. I bless you with success in your occupations. He paused and said I have a feeling that you have a concern of illness...I bless you with healing. I bless you to know that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ! It was amazing being in the presence of an Apostle! I'll never forget how I felt!

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