Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Transfer Calls! and GuessWhere I am Going!

Hello Everyone! 
I miss you and love you all so much.

So this last week was transfer calls and it turns out I am staying here with Elder O'Brien! I am excited to be staying here in Pocatello. The work has really picked up and we are so busy that we are running to appointments. I think one of my favorite experiences from this week is that we had 3 new investigators come to church this week. Here is how we found them. We were tracting some apartments so knocking door after door. And this lady answered and told us she was not interested but would listen to what we had to say. She told us she was atheist. From that we taught her and slowly she changed from atheist to agnostic and now she is coming to church! It is super awesome. Anyway I am excited and grateful for the opportunity to serve a mission and it is going so fast!

I was reading in Alma chapter 39 verse  8:
But behold, ye cannot hide your crimes from God; and except ye repent they will stand as a testimony against you at the last day.

I have been thinking a lot about repentance lately. It truly is a gift from God to be able to find relief from the mistakes we make in our lives everyday. Our Father in Heaven wants to forgive us and HE will. Turn to Him and our Savior in times of trouble and weakness.

I love you all!
Elder Rush

Mitchell said he fed his new four legged friend bacon and he won't leave him alone now.
Kaelie wants to make Mitchell's new friend a collar with a tie and name tag, "Elder Meow"
Love my kids!

A quick e-mail to me from my favorite Mitchell. He touches my heart!

Hello mom!
 I am doing well just exhausted. There is no catching up on sleep when you miss it and we are very very busy. Elder O'Brien and I are staying here in Pocatello, so I will be here for 6 months after this transfer! CRAZY!  But I love you mom, I hope you are doing well and thanks for being an awesome example of service to me.

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