Monday, November 3, 2014

Week 10: Learning More Patience

Well Hello Everyone!

This week was been the longest week of my mission and my life! Praying for patience and more trials is not a good combination. I do not even remember what happened at the beginning of the week so...

Elder Downey was sick again. He has been trying his best to push forward and endure. The poor guy can't catch a break! Being inside has been hard for me but I am learning patience. What I do remember from this week was Halloween. We were locked inside from 6pm to 9pm and watched movies! I watched The Lego Movie, and Tron Legacy. Frozen was also available to watch but Tron sounded a little better. I am surprised that I said THAT! Saturday and Sunday were pretty long day as well. We were finally able to see some of our investigators. Sadly they have not been able to quit smoking but they are trying!  Angela has been progressing. She has been soaking up the gospel like crazy! When we met her I thought something was off and it turns out she is on probation for 4 years. And probation must be completed since it is seen as a form of repentance. And you must truly repent before baptism. Anyway I do not have much to say! This week was also the most contentious and stressful of my life and I have no idea why!

Anyway I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I love the happiness it can bring to your life. No one understands how important it is to keep the commandments and show our love for our Father in Heaven and his son Jesus Christ. Keep reading the Book of Mormon and praying from guidance and support!

Love you all! Miss you all! Please keep me updated!
Elder Rush

So proud of my Elder Rush. Even though his course is seeing lots of huge waves, he has set his course, sail and rudder, and is proceeding! Love my amazing boy!

  Pumpkin carving fun!

It snowed!

 The outdoors, yippy!


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