Monday, October 27, 2014

Week 9: Patience

Hello Everyone!
Thank you for all your love, letters, pictures and support. I really appreciate it.
This week was slow but extremely fast! Elder Downey was captured by the bed monster again. Poor guy just can't catch a break. The work has been moving forward people still hate us and love to slam doors in our faces. It is quite funny when we walk down the street people will fake like they are busy doing something or run in fear. Really has been testing my patience. I devised a plan to focus on one Christlike attribute each transfer and this transfer has been patience. I have been praying for more patience and the result has been less patience. The little things I was able to deal with before are getting on my nerves. It is funny when we try to improve ourselves that is when we are tested more. I see that as I develop patience I will become more humble, diligent, hopeful and faithful.
There is this super cool talk I have been reading.This is the link to it.
I recommend reading it. Sorry for the short letter, do not have much time this week.
Love you all.
Keep Praying and reading. 
Do not give up hope. 
Please keep me updated.
Elder Rush

                                     Ukulele time!                                                 

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