Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Elder Rush has a Favorite Mission Kitten!


      Elder Rush's favorite mission kitten!      

Hello Everyone!
Well I do not remember anything that happened this last week! Other then monday, it all was a blur. Elder Downey had many appointments, trying to figure out what is wrong. He was diagnosed with depression. We have appointments with a counselor twice a week now. Hopefully he will be able to deal with it better after our appointments. He could really use some prayers! Our teaching pool has really been expanding. We find more people each day mixed in with our failures. We are shifting the wheat from the tares! We have 4 people schedule to take that step closer to Christ and be baptized: Miles, Bill, Dixie, and Roger. And 3 more people we plan to set a baptismal date with: Gabe, Candy, and Teresa. They all have their struggles and are in need of more blessings. You can definitely tell the closer someone comes to choosing the right the harder their challenges in life become. Other than that, yesterday we had a General Authority, Elder Martino teach us for 6 hours! It was such an amazing experience! I learned so much and was spiritually feed beyond capacity. It is hard to describe it all in an email, so I am sorry. One of the most important things I learned was the difference between goals and achievements and that it must be traveled by work. There is no point of setting goals without doing the work. Anyway I love reading the scriptures being able to truly study and understand them! I love this gospel and it is true! 
Elder Rush

   Nice day outside!                   

WEIRD HOUSE!          

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