Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Two Weeks in a Rush

To my very happy surprise, Chris and Tyler Kraft took my Elder Rush out to lunch and sent this "mama missing her boy terribly,"some pictures!! Touched my heart!

Nov. 17, 2014

Dear Familia,

How are you all doing? Sorry I wasn't able to email you this week. The Keplers took us to Big Jud's and to this ice cream place that sells cubed ice cream. You need to look up Big Jud's Hamburgers. Lets just say they make their buns in pie tins. There is a challenge to consume a 1 pound hamburger, large fry and a large drink in less then 30 min. If you do, you get a t-shirt. I completed it but my stomach still hurts. Then we got cubed ice cream, which was really cool.

The work has been going okay here. Elder Downey has been sick, so the doctors and Walgreen Pharmacy have been frequent stops for us. Hopefully he can get better soon. Transfers are Dec. 3rd, so we will see if I stay in Pocatello with Elder Downey.

It snowed here for a few days and has been below 30 degrees F.  since Monday. The lowest it got, I am not quite sure? Maybe 5 degrees minus the wind chill, while we were out walking.

Hopefully you are doing well. I miss you all so much. Be good and keep me up-to date.

Elder Rush

I looked up Big Jud's, and oh my! Here is a picture of the challenge and the hamburger
 Elder Rush consumed, and he did it in under 30 min.! Crazy!

Digging in for the 30 minute challenge

Elder Rash and Elder Rush completed the challenge!

Cubed ice cream!

Elder Rash and Elder Rush enjoying cubed ice cream.

Elder Rush and Elder Downey.

Mitchell eating snow. He said he doesn't like snow, but he will live!

My favorite picture of the week. Potato gun war! Love my boy!

Week Something around 13 I don't know?

Hello Everyone! 
How are things going in your lives? I would love to hear about it!
Anyway I just wanted to express some feelings about serving a mission real quick.
As a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints I have the privilege of inviting people to come unto Christ, to learn more about our Savior Jesus Christ. I do not mean to offend anyone or their beliefs but to express what I know to be true. I invite all those that do not know much about the "Mormon" church to come and see what it is like. We hide no secrets and love to answer questions. I do not think I am better than anyone because I am a Mormon or that I am on a mission. We are all sons and daughters of our Father in Heaven and He wants us to return to Him! Remember the reason for this up coming holiday season and give thanks.

Elder Downey has been very sick the past two weeks. We have not been able to proselyte much. My studies have been outrageous though. Being inside 20 out of 24 hours a day gives me much opportunity to learn. Hopefully he can get better soon. I was told I might be training a new missioanry this coming transfer, which is next week, or be put into some other leadership position. Wish me luck. One big lesson I've learned is how much our faith, humility, patience, diligence whatever it may be pales in comparison to Christ! Make sure to strengthen that understanding become more Christlike!
Love you all Keep up the good work!
Elder Rush

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Elder Rush has a Favorite Mission Kitten!


      Elder Rush's favorite mission kitten!      

Hello Everyone!
Well I do not remember anything that happened this last week! Other then monday, it all was a blur. Elder Downey had many appointments, trying to figure out what is wrong. He was diagnosed with depression. We have appointments with a counselor twice a week now. Hopefully he will be able to deal with it better after our appointments. He could really use some prayers! Our teaching pool has really been expanding. We find more people each day mixed in with our failures. We are shifting the wheat from the tares! We have 4 people schedule to take that step closer to Christ and be baptized: Miles, Bill, Dixie, and Roger. And 3 more people we plan to set a baptismal date with: Gabe, Candy, and Teresa. They all have their struggles and are in need of more blessings. You can definitely tell the closer someone comes to choosing the right the harder their challenges in life become. Other than that, yesterday we had a General Authority, Elder Martino teach us for 6 hours! It was such an amazing experience! I learned so much and was spiritually feed beyond capacity. It is hard to describe it all in an email, so I am sorry. One of the most important things I learned was the difference between goals and achievements and that it must be traveled by work. There is no point of setting goals without doing the work. Anyway I love reading the scriptures being able to truly study and understand them! I love this gospel and it is true! 
Elder Rush

   Nice day outside!                   

WEIRD HOUSE!          

Monday, November 3, 2014

Week 10: Learning More Patience

Well Hello Everyone!

This week was been the longest week of my mission and my life! Praying for patience and more trials is not a good combination. I do not even remember what happened at the beginning of the week so...

Elder Downey was sick again. He has been trying his best to push forward and endure. The poor guy can't catch a break! Being inside has been hard for me but I am learning patience. What I do remember from this week was Halloween. We were locked inside from 6pm to 9pm and watched movies! I watched The Lego Movie, and Tron Legacy. Frozen was also available to watch but Tron sounded a little better. I am surprised that I said THAT! Saturday and Sunday were pretty long day as well. We were finally able to see some of our investigators. Sadly they have not been able to quit smoking but they are trying!  Angela has been progressing. She has been soaking up the gospel like crazy! When we met her I thought something was off and it turns out she is on probation for 4 years. And probation must be completed since it is seen as a form of repentance. And you must truly repent before baptism. Anyway I do not have much to say! This week was also the most contentious and stressful of my life and I have no idea why!

Anyway I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I love the happiness it can bring to your life. No one understands how important it is to keep the commandments and show our love for our Father in Heaven and his son Jesus Christ. Keep reading the Book of Mormon and praying from guidance and support!

Love you all! Miss you all! Please keep me updated!
Elder Rush

So proud of my Elder Rush. Even though his course is seeing lots of huge waves, he has set his course, sail and rudder, and is proceeding! Love my amazing boy!

  Pumpkin carving fun!

It snowed!

 The outdoors, yippy!