Monday, June 6, 2016

Cool Experience from Cokeville!

Hello Everyone,
Hope you had a great week!!!
Cool experience from Cokeville. We had a ton of referrals to contact but people were never home when we went over. We asked God to provide us with an opportunity to meet all these people and guess what they were all home! When we got there they were either sitting outside or pulling into their driveways. I know God leads and guides us as we seek his help. One lady told us she was too busy to talk to us because her dog was in the sink. She was giving it a bath! hahahah That night we stopped by a house to meet a lady named Margaret. She has been a mormon her whole life but never practiced. At her house we learned the importance of testifying. She invited us in to meet her 13 cats! LOTS OF CATS! As we talked to her about Jesus Christ, we realized she had never read the Book of Mormon. She keep telling us all she wants to do in life is follow God and learn about Jesus Christ. So we offered her a chance to read another testament of Jesus Christ (The Book of Mormon) and learn more about Him. She told us no because the book was write in todays times not in Christ's time and before, and normal people wrote it not prophets of God. We cannot prove the divine origin of the Book of Mormon to anyone, they have to read it and ask God if it is His and He will let them know. They have to take it on faith but we can bear testimony of its truth. Faith is kindled by hearing the testimony of those who have faith. We explained to her that the Book of Mormon was written 600 years before Christ's birth and 400 years after. We testified of prophets called of God directed to write His word. We showed her scriptures that spoke of what we told her. A few moments later she said " Wow, I need to read this." It was a really cool experience to see the Holy Ghost bear testimony to someone's heart and change their countenance.
We gave talks again this week. This time in the Pegram Branch. They meet in a church building but it is super small. The chapel had 5 benches to sit on. Way different. 
Sunday we were walking around Montpelier to find people. We met the Hackey family and Sister Hackey told us she did not really want to talk to us. However her husband came to the door and asked for a priesthood blessing. We gave him a blessing and after, his wife's countenance changed. They invited us back! It was really cool! 
Anyway! I hope you have a great week! 
Love and miss you a lot!
Elder Rush

A visit from The Stoddards. Elder Rush's other mama and dad.

I love Elder Rush's and Elder Johnson's ties!😂
Ribs for dinner! They left clean!

An e-mail conversation with my boy

I am good! Sorry I took so long to email. We helped someone brand calves this morning!

   Oh fun! Were you ok doing that with your tender heart?

Ya I did not help. I know I do not want to be a farmer or rancher when I grow up. We were in Liberty on the way to Preston. I am doing better now. President Hancock called on tuesday and we talked about me being sick. Brother Sorter called him and told him I was not looking well. So I went to the doctors and got a blood test. Guess what! I fainted when I got my blood taken! hahah! Anyways when I talked to President, he said do you want to train because I need another zone leader. That made me feel better. I felt some relief when he said that. I like Montpelier but I do not like small towns very much. I guess I am not use to them. I miss lots of people.

    I knew you wouldn't be able to brand them!
    Oh my dear, my boy😂😂, how are you going to go to medical school?
    Did they find anything out with your blood?

Well my doctor who is also our bishop said he faints when he watches his blood drawn so...but I have been thinking a lot lately about Dentistry or Optometry or Radiology or Oncology! So we will see. They took four samples they had two checked. So far all is normal!

Love you mom!!!! Hope you have a great week!
Elder Rush

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