Sunday, May 15, 2016

Happy Birthday Elder Rush

Happy Belated Mothers Day!
Hello Everyone!
Hope you had a great week!
This one was good for us! We traveled a lot! But the week went really fast!
We had a cool experience in Cokeville! We meet a family that is all non Mormon! Now Cokeville is 99% Latter day Saint so finding people that are not members is pretty rare. So we met Amanda outside her house. She has two little kids 1 and 6. Anyways she started the conversation with I am not Mormon and not interested. So we got to know her and shared with her that she can have an eternal family. That she could live with her little kids and husband forever. And that she will be reunited with love ones that have past away! We told her about Family History Work and Temple work for those that have past on. She actually talked to us for 45 minutes or so. We are going back next week! Another awesome experience. I asked our District Leader, Elder Beck, to give me a blessing because I was in need of some direction! During the blessing I learned that I need to work on remembering our Savior more, my pride, and gratitude to God. I made some plans to improve. I read Elder Gong's talk from last General Conference! It was great! I invite you to read it again! Here are some great quotes!

"Prophets ancient and modern implore us not to let human foibles, faults, or weaknesses—others’ or our own—cause us to miss the truths, covenants, and redeeming power in His restored gospel. This is especially important in a church where we each grow through our imperfect participation. The Prophet Joseph said, “I never told you I was perfect; but there is no error in the revelations which I have taught.”

"Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness invites us to be humbly at peace on our life’s journey to someday become perfected in Christ, not constantly worried, frustrated, or unhappy in our imperfections today. Remember, He knows all the things we don’t want anyone else to know about us—and loves us still."

I love it! Another thing I did was write down the tender mercies I experienced during the day! That helped me feel and think more gratefully!

So we had a good week and It is always nice to talk to my family on Mother's Day! Thank you mothers for being awesome! Thank you for your eternal maternal role in God's plan!

Hope you have a great week! Love you all!
Elder Rush

A quick letter to me from Elder Rush!😍 Boy do I feel loved!

Thank you for being the best MOM in the whole entire world! I love you so much and cannot wait to see you! I will talk to President Hancock on Wednesday about extending! I feel that I will not be extending but I am not 100% sure yet! I realized I probably gave people the wrong phone number for you the whole time I was in Pocatello this last time! I love you so much! The Vilts do have a hat collection and that is their house!
I love you so much!
Elder Rush

The many hats of Elder Rush. 

The Vilt's hat collection and our birthday boy!

Elder Rush and the Sorters. Happy Birthday to you!🎉

Same suit, one is turning purple from 1 3/4 years of  constant wear.

Family Skype session with our Elder Rush! Best day ever!

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