Friday, March 4, 2016

A Trip to the ER in an Ambulance!

This week! What can I say about this week! Let us start with the hospital! Monday we were playing basketball! Elder Dalling took a break and decided to hang out in the bathroom. He was feeling sick to his stomach! He turned red, was shaky and covered with hives. So we quickly went to Urgent Care. We waited for 3 hours and we had another set of missionaries come sit with us. I took Elder Slatcher and we went and taught a few lesson while Elder Dalling was at the Doctor's with Elder Allred. After our first lesson we get a text saying they are going to the ER in an ambulance! So it was an interesting day. Unfortunately we still do not know what Elder Dalling is allergic to!!!
Tuesday we headed up to Terreton and helped with an emergency transfer! That night we taught Jenna and Josh. They have been having a really tough time lately. Jenna was struggling with a lot of things and left the room crying. Fortunately she came back! And vented about everything she was feeling! It was such a wonderful opportunity to testify of the healing power of Jesus Christ. We had the chance to express to her that she is a daughter of our Heavenly Father and He loves her so so so much. We discussed prayer and ask her to pray. We invited her to ask God if He really loved her. As she prayed she said she felt the love of God embrace her! It was a really cool experience!
Another awesome experience. We are teaching a lesson activity member that tells us he has no belief in God. We have been talking to him about the importance of prayer and we invited him to pray for two weeks and see if there is a difference! So one day we get a text from him, he said, "Elders I have no doubt in my mind that God exists." We were like what!!!! So cool. He told us his dog was run over by a car going 40 miles an hour, sucked up into the wheel well and then ran away with just a scratch. The Vet said nothing was wrong with the dog. So he said that he has never prayed harder in his life and has no doubt that God is real! Anyway It was a good week!
Breanna Heer was baptized and it was so great to see how excited her dad was to baptize her! I am forever grateful for the priesthood being restored to the earth! I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Elder Rush

Part of a letter to me from Elder Rush

This coming week we have transfers so a full crazy week. Then we have two weeks of zone conferences. Nine zone conferences in 15 days. Those meetings are 6 hours each and President Hancock wants us to spend the rest of each day in whatever zone we have conference in! So we might not see our area for almost 3 weeks! 
 I appreciate so very much the chance to participate in this great work!

Poor sick Elder Dalling 

Elder Rush, Elder Dalling and the Herr family at Breanna's baptism.

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