Wednesday, September 30, 2015

I Feel Like I Have Not Emailed for a Couple of Months!

I just want to say I am alive! Not sure how long I will have to email! I will make a longer one next week! LOve you!

This is the email I got last week! Come to find out Elder Rush was made an Assistant to President Hancock. He will be one busy boy! So proud of him!

I did get a few pictures from my Idaho Angels.

Transfer Day 

Hello Everyone!
I hope you are doing well! 
This last week was pretty busy! I feel like I have not emailed for a couple of months!
So we had transfers and we had to take the missionaries going home to the airport and pick the new ones up. 
Two experiences I wanted to share real quick are the following:
1. Elder Fontes (my new companion from Brazil) and I had not done any proselyting all day Tuesday because we were with the new missionaries! So we said a prayer and I asked Elder Fontes where we should go. He said a gas station and as soon as he said that a girl popped into my head that I had met earlier that week. So we drove to that gas station and she was just getting off work! We talked to her and now we have an appointment for sometime this week! It was awesome!
2. Two days ago we were driving around looking for an apartment complex. We could not find it to save our lives! However we drove around and just decided to pull over. While we sat there Elder Fontes saw a door and instantly said we should go knock on it! We knocked on the door and this lady named Mary opened it. She was super skinny and had a lot of evidence on her body of drug addiction. We talked to her about Jesus Christ and how he helps us overcome all our trials in life and how much He loves us. We stopped for a moment and she just started crying. She told us she wants to quit her addictions and was not sure how. She told us we were an answer to her prayers! It was a great experience! I am hoping to be able to talk to her more about Jesus Christ!
Moral of the story, having Jesus Christ in your life will change everything. He gives us hope, peace, joy, happiness, and everything!

I love Him. And there is nothing I would rather be doing!

I love you all.

Elder Rush

This amazing quote is from the Sister"s Conference held last Saturday, 9-26-2015.

From one of my Idaho Angels, Tracy!

As I was checking out at Costco, I saw Elders buying lunch and crossed my fingers that yours would be one of them! We were in luck ❤️

The letter from Elder Rush's Mission President.

 Dear Elder Mitchell David Emerson Rush,

This letter is to inform you that your son has been called to serve as assistant to the president of the Idaho Pocatello Mission.  He has been chosen because he has been valiant in his calling as a missionary and has been exemplary in his leadership assignments.

The assignment to serve as an assistant carries with it a high degree of trust and responsibility.  He will be a visible example to the entire mission.  His duties will include: maintaining a successful proselyting area;  conducting and training in zone conferences, zone leader councils, and new missionary orientations; regular communication with zone leaders and other missionaries, and other duties as assigned.

I look forward to this special association as we serve the Lord, the missionaries, members and non-members in the Idaho Pocatello Mission.


Gene E Hancock 
Mission President
 Elder Rush lives just a few blocks from where I lived years ago during my elementary school days.

Elder Rush lives on Princeton where the red bubble is. I lived on the left on Stanford. In the last 2 houses at the end of the street next to Bartz Way.
They cover 2 Young Single Adult Wards and 1 family Ward in the Pocatello East Stake.


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