Thursday, May 28, 2015

Idaho has Actually Been Normal Lately!

Hope things are going well!
Idaho has actually been normal lately or not normal either way.
Usually if you do not like the weather wait 10 minutes and it will change.
Well last week it rain the whole week. I am not a fan of the rain.

Elder Sincere is now in Idaho Falls. We started covering a different half of Idaho Falls. There are a vast number of houses. It is all a residential area, and there is little space between houses. I feel lost whenever we go over there! The up side, there is work out the wazoooo! There are many many many people to talk to!

We tried setting our watches back an hour to make more time in the day but it did not work.
Lately I have been thinking about what our purpose is as missionaries. Yes we are here to invite people to come unto Christ and be baptized. Really we are here building eternal families. We are here to help others experience the joy of eternal life with our loved ones. We are here to build up the kingdom of God by helping families becoming closer together.
Families are so scared to God and that means we are doing one of the most important things in the world!

I know the Gospel of Jesus Christ will bring any family closer together as they apply faith, repentance, baptism, and enduring to the end. Our Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us. I know that to be true!

I love you all
Elder Rush

Elder Rash returned to the mission with his family. Elder Rush and Elder Rash reunited!

P-Day fun with the Zone

Transfer Day!

Saying goodbye to Elder Dalling.

Elder Rush's new companion, Elder Sincere.

Not sure if Elder Sincere is trying to get warm or dry his tie?

Monday, May 18, 2015

I Am Staying in Idaho Falls

How are you all doing?
This last week was crazy! Our phone broke on Monday and it was really nice not having one. Though it was quite difficult to get things done! We did not get another until Friday!
Transfer Update!
I am staying in Idaho Falls and will be serving with Elder Sincere. He is crazy and probably one of the best missionaries in the mission!
Elder Dalling will be serving in Ammon with Elder Fontes.
Things are picking up here. Everyday it has been our goal to invite someone to be baptized. Which is not the easiest thing. Elder Dalling and I pray all the time to be able to accomplish that goal. Last night it was 7:30 and we wanted to invite someone before our appointment at 8:00. The people just walked into us. We actually asked two people. Testimony builder to me how Heavenly Father does answer our prayers!
Life is so much better when we strive to be positive in all that we do. I also have been striving to develop charity. It is not the easiest thing to do but it is the most important thing we can do! 
I have been thinking a lot about conversion, and these two talks helped me!
Hope you have a great week!
Elder Rush

Here are some really really really good talks. I recommend you listen to them!

Elder Dalling was really surprised by the tree falling.

Gas prices in Idaho!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Happy Birthday Elder Rush

This last week was crazy busy!
Monday we had the chance to play broom hockey but I actually used a
crutch. Elder Earley, one of our district leaders, had surgery on his
knee and he is 6'10" so his crutches were too tall for me. That was a
weird first experience. We have been going door to door trying to find
people to teach. As most people know, tracting is not very effective.
Everyone we have met is not interested at this time but we did meet
this one guy named John. He is a sports hypnotist. He travels the
world helping people overcome their fears, especially gymnasts. He
talked to us a lot about the brain and how it works. I was quite
This week's missionary work was pretty similar everyday. We have spend
most of our time tracting because our investigators are either moving
or do not want to learn anymore.
The administrative side of things was a little more exciting. We had
interviews with President Brinkerhoff on Thursday. Wednesday night the
assistants to the president called us and told us we had to hold zone
training on May 1 instead of May 8 so we did not get much sleep since
we had 1 day to prepare it. It was awesome anyways.
We are slowly transitioning from the Taylor Mountain Stake to the
Idaho Falls Central Stake. It is sad having to say good bye to people.
It will be really exciting serving in the Central Stake!

Lately I have been pondering about how I can more fully serve God and
those around me. I came across this scripture.
JAMES 4:10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.I have come to realized that as we become like Christ, develop similar
attributes, miracles in our lives increase. What better humble example
do we have to follow then Christ. I plead that we all can strive to be
more Christ-like and come unto Him so that He may heal us!
I love you all! 

Take care.
Elder Rush

Email time! Elder Rush with his infamous photos!

Mitchell's cousin Heather ran into him at a grocery store in Idaho Falls. It made this "mama missing her boy" heart sing!

Happy 20th birthday to my Mitchell! Thanks to Sister Karen Smith Elder Rush had a happy surprise! Angels amount us!

Happy Mother's Day!

Hello Wonderful People!
Hope you are doing well!

This week was pretty similar to the last couple of weeks except we went to the ZZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
I forgot how much I do not like the Zoo. It is sad to see all the animals in cages. It was awesome though seeing a Tiger and Lion and PENGUIN in Idaho! Who would of thought of that!!!!!
Anyway, we have been knocking random doors, trying to find people to teach. This week we actually found 8 new people. They work crazy hours so hopefully we will be able to teach them consistently. We took a recent convert, Bryan Brown, out tracting with us. It was FANTASTIC!
He was running up to doors and talking to everyone. It was entertaining to watch!:) I also had the chance to speak in church this week. I prepared a 20 minute talk and had to give it in 7 minutes!
This week we get transfer information so we will see if I will be staying or shipped off!
I am grateful for mothers especially my mom!
Elder Rush
Inspiration Quote and Scripture for the day!
May we all look to Christ as an example of what we need to become!

Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come.

Happy Birthday to Elder Rush! Thanks Sister Karen Smith for surprising my Mitchell with a birthday peanut buttercup yummy cupcake!

Elder Rush taming the Lion!

Zone P-Day at the zoo.

Elder Rush found a new friend!

Best Day Ever! Talking with my Mitchell on Mother's Day!