Monday, December 15, 2014

New record! 5 companions in 2 weeks!

Week Teen-something 

Hola EveryOne! I hope you are all doing well. Thank you for the letters and support! Please keep me updated on your lives!

So once again my week was crazy. After the chaos of my companion being emergency transferred, I received another companion whose companion was sent home. So we were a trio for 5 days. And I get my real companion Elder O'Brien tomorrow. Things have been hectic and it is wearing on me. I guess I set a new goal with having 5 companions in 2 weeks. The work here has been going along. Smoking is an awful habit. Do not start it. The people here that are trying to quit are going through a tough time. The change they are going through is amazing. The atonement of Jesus Christ really will help us overcome the challenges we face in life. 

We were teaching a lesson to a new investigator named Jacob and he asked us what we did before our missions and I could not remember. I thought I had always been on my mission. Then I remembered. Anyway Jacob is really cool. He has a baptismal date for Dec 27 and will be baptized then!

On Sunday I gave a talk in sacrament meeting! I spoke about the Stripling warriors especially on Alma 56:47   

"Now they never had fought, yet they did not fear death; and they did think more upon the liberty of their fathers than they did upon their lives; yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them."

They went into a situation that they never experienced before, without fear, looking to the example of their fathers for strength and relying on what they had learned at a young age to help them overcome their trials. May we all have the faith in God we need to accomplish miracles. And may we all remember the true meaning of Christmas and everything Christ has done for us. 

Continue to read the Book of Mormon daily and for those that have not,  pick it up and try to prove it wrong. 
I love you all and miss you much. Keep up the good work.

Elder Rush

Elder Rush with 2 of the 5 companions he's had in 2 weeks! Elder Rash and Elder Santos.
They are wearing the matchy Christmas penguin ties I sent!

Elder Rush and Elder Cox, 1 of the 5 companions.

My Elders Christmas Stockings! Love my boys!

Elder Rush with his District as District Leader.

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