Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Make Sure You Pray Everyday!

 Christmas Day in Pocatello! 
Elder Rush and some of his Zone.

Hello Everyone!

This last week was pretty crazy with Christmas. I hope you all had a very Merry CHRISTmas and remember the true meaning of Christmas. 

So we were given 3 hours Monday to email and shop, 3 hours Wednesday night, because no one wants missionaries in their home Christmas eve ); and Christmas day was all day P-day. The schedule is the same this week. But it has thrown me off. I cannot wait for things to get back to normal.

Nothing really happened this week. Friday morning we were all happy and finalizing the details for Jacob's baptism but we received a text from his mom saying she did not want him to be baptized for 6 more months. I was sad because Jacob understands the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  He's not even baptized but asks questions about serving a mission and has a desire to serve one! Hopefully things will change for him.

Saturday we got to go through the temple with a lady we have been teaching. Two years ago she was in a terrible place. No job, no place to live, and had an addiction to drugs. Seeing the healing power that the Atonement of Jesus Christ has on someone is amazing. If anyone reading this is having trouble with an addiction it is possible to overcome, when you turn to your Father in Heaven, He will help you through all your struggles. 

Well in conclusion for this week. I miss you all! I really do! I hope you are doing well and would love to hear from you. I am sorry I have not respond to your letters lately but Thursday I am sitting down and writing letters! And whatever you do make sure you pray EVERYDAY. It is one of the most important things you can do on a daily basis!

Love you and Happy New Year!

Elder Rush

Elder Rush and Elder O'Brien's Christmas tree.

So excited! Christmas morning!

Chatting with our amazing Elder Rush on Christmas afternoon! He still does his Mitchell faces! Miss my boy!

Only someone from Canada would have a snowball fight in shorts! Burrrr! Wish there was a picture of my California boy who doesn't like the snow but loves the white stuff on the beach! California winters!

Love Elder O'Brien's head gear!
In the back ground is Hawthorne Middle School, my Junior High School many many moons ago!
Miss Mitchell's beautiful blue eyes!

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