Sunday, August 7, 2016

Hello Everyone!
Hope you had a great week!
The beginning of another new area! 
This is my new address!

American Falls is a nice small town 5,000 people.
Elder Price is super awesome. He is learning so fast. Being able to train a missionary is really fun it makes me want to be a teacher! 
We cover the American Falls 1st, 3rd and Rockland wards. 
Rockland has 295 people in it.
We have been busy this week with setting up the area and extra hours of study.
Cool experience #1 We were trying to find people that were out walking around, but funny thing is no one was outside. We probably saw 1 person. So Elder Price and I said a prayer and asked Heavenly Father to put someone we could talk to in our path. We continued on our walk and around a corner,  TO out surprise there was a single mother named Mira and her two little daughters sitting on their porch. We started to talk to her and we shared a message about Jesus Christ. She told us that she is waiting to start a job but has been stuck in her house with no money to go anywhere and nothing to do other than sit around and wait for the call. She expressed her gratitude to us for talking to her. She said she gets depressed and losses motivation when she is waiting around at home. The sister missionaries will hopefully be able to go over there and help her. I love the feeling of gratitude I get from service. I love that Heavenly Father allows us to participate in His work!
Elder Price was a great example of relying on God to overcome a weakness. We had a pop up lesson with a family. We walked by their house and felt the need to knock, so we did. They let us in and we asked if we could share a message since Elder Price has been a missionary for 5 days. They agreed and Elder Price just took over. With the limited experience he has had, you can tell he was being led by the Spirit. This family was touched and you could see it as he testified of Gospel Principles and shared personal experiences. It was a testimony to me that God walks with us and carries us through our trials. 
One last comment. Many people in Idaho have misconceptions and misunderstandings about what we as Mormons believe. We run into many accusations about believing this or believing that. These run-ins have helped me know the truth of this great work even more. It helps me learn and know the doctrine better. Most importantly it helps me to be more patient and kind. I know God loves all of His Children and I know that is why HE send His Son Jesus Christ.

JOHN 3:16-17

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

I love you all!
Have a great week!
Elder Rush

Elder Price and Elder Rush at the Pioneer Day celebration in American Falls. Love our missionaries!

Look at those smiling faces!💗

Teaching a lesson at The Jensen's home.

Brother Jensen called me and told me what a fabulous missionary our Elder Rush is. He said he wished he was going to be a teacher because of the way he is helping train Elder Price. it made this mama's heart sing!

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