Sunday, August 7, 2016

It Has Been So Hot We Decided to Sport the Possibility of ProselytingIn Shorts!

Hello Everyone!
I hope you had a great week!
This week zoomed by like always! We were busy busy busy. We have so many people to talk to and meet. We were given a list of people to meet in the ward and so we began. We met a lady named Elaine. She is a non member that recently lost her Mother. Her mother was raised LDS and left the church when she married Elaine's father. About 20 years later Elaine's mother had a dream. In her dream, her deceased father came to her and said "you need to go back to church" So after that she became activity in church for the rest of her life. I thought that was a cool story. So Elaine told us this and we told her that she can be with her family forever, that they can be sealed in a Temple of our Lord. You could see that that sparked an interest in her. She said "I won't join your church but you can came back anytime and talk to me about it."That was a cool experience to find Elaine. The week before we were walking by her house and felt the need to go knock her door even though we did not know who lived there. So I took the second stop at her house as a sign that God wants us to teach her! Southeastern Idaho is very unique. It has a LOT of Mormons and it has a lot of less active Mormons. So we meet many people that want to came back to church but have not gone for years. One of these guys is Craig. Craig has been letting us come over and teach him. The other day we were stressing the importance of scripture study. He said he does not read much because it is confusing. So we read 2 Nephi 2 with him. He was confused but we broke things down for him! We invited him to read the rest of that chapter and we would follow up with him the following day (Sunday). We will get back to Craig in a second. Yesterday we gave talks in the Rockland Ward. The population signs says there are 295 people there but the average attendance is 400. HAHA it was huge! The chapel was full the over flow was full and the gym was full! HA but it was a great experience.  Now back to Craig. Sunday night we asked him if he had read the chapter. He said, "You know what, I did. And I feel good." We talked about how the scriptures strengthen us against trials. He said that he has been in a funk for the past 3 years and He felt that the daily scripture study will help him get out of it! It was awesome to hear! 
Well I hope you have a great week!
I love all of you!
Elder Rush

It has been so hot here we decided to sport the possibility of proselyting in shorts!

Goofy Elder Rush and Elder Price! They make me smile!

This is what happens when you tract in Idaho!

(We ate half of it before the picture was taken!)

I received this email from Elder Price's sweet mom. Burst my buttons with joy!

"Your son is literally God sent to our family and to Austin.  We were told by MANY people he was the best missionary in the whole mission and that he was hand picked for my son. I would love to share his whole story.  Call or text when you have time. :)"

So this mama called Elder Price's sweet mom Allison. She told me Elder Price had been called on a mission to Ohio 5 years prior. Because of anxiety, depression and other things, he ended up not going. 4 years later, he decided he needed to serve a mission, so he started the process again. They had him do lots of extra things in order to put his papers in. The missionary department had his papers for a very long 6 months. The family kind of figured by this time he would not receive a call. Their Stake President then called them in to meet with him. They were told about the Trial Missionary Program where Elder Price would serve for 3 months as a missionary in the Idaho Pocatello Mission. If after that time his trainer and the Mission President gave the ok, he could get a call to a different mission and go to the MTC for training. So his parents dropped him off at the IPM mission home with no training, for his new adventure. Needless to say, Elder Price was nervous that he wouldn't know how to do what he was suppose to without any training. While there, he was told by the assistants to the President and the others that his companion was the best. That's where my Elder Rush comes into the story. All my boy wanted to do was train missionaries. He had the privilege of training another Trial Missionary for 6 weeks a year ago, and loved every minute with Elder Duff. When he was asked to train his last 6 weeks in the mission, he was thrilled to say the least!
Elder Price's mom said she knows her boy was sent to the IPM when he was so my boy could help him. That Mitchell was hand picked for her boy. Oh how that made this mama's heart sing and her eyes drip!
I'm so thankfull for the many touching experiences I have had through the service of my amazing Elder Rush. His whole life he has been such a strength, but these last almost 2 years have blessed my life in ways I can never express! I'm so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that trusted me enough to send me my angel boy! I'm one blessed mama!

Hello Everyone!
Hope you had a great week!
The beginning of another new area! 
This is my new address!

American Falls is a nice small town 5,000 people.
Elder Price is super awesome. He is learning so fast. Being able to train a missionary is really fun it makes me want to be a teacher! 
We cover the American Falls 1st, 3rd and Rockland wards. 
Rockland has 295 people in it.
We have been busy this week with setting up the area and extra hours of study.
Cool experience #1 We were trying to find people that were out walking around, but funny thing is no one was outside. We probably saw 1 person. So Elder Price and I said a prayer and asked Heavenly Father to put someone we could talk to in our path. We continued on our walk and around a corner,  TO out surprise there was a single mother named Mira and her two little daughters sitting on their porch. We started to talk to her and we shared a message about Jesus Christ. She told us that she is waiting to start a job but has been stuck in her house with no money to go anywhere and nothing to do other than sit around and wait for the call. She expressed her gratitude to us for talking to her. She said she gets depressed and losses motivation when she is waiting around at home. The sister missionaries will hopefully be able to go over there and help her. I love the feeling of gratitude I get from service. I love that Heavenly Father allows us to participate in His work!
Elder Price was a great example of relying on God to overcome a weakness. We had a pop up lesson with a family. We walked by their house and felt the need to knock, so we did. They let us in and we asked if we could share a message since Elder Price has been a missionary for 5 days. They agreed and Elder Price just took over. With the limited experience he has had, you can tell he was being led by the Spirit. This family was touched and you could see it as he testified of Gospel Principles and shared personal experiences. It was a testimony to me that God walks with us and carries us through our trials. 
One last comment. Many people in Idaho have misconceptions and misunderstandings about what we as Mormons believe. We run into many accusations about believing this or believing that. These run-ins have helped me know the truth of this great work even more. It helps me learn and know the doctrine better. Most importantly it helps me to be more patient and kind. I know God loves all of His Children and I know that is why HE send His Son Jesus Christ.

JOHN 3:16-17

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

I love you all!
Have a great week!
Elder Rush

Elder Price and Elder Rush at the Pioneer Day celebration in American Falls. Love our missionaries!

Look at those smiling faces!💗

Teaching a lesson at The Jensen's home.

Brother Jensen called me and told me what a fabulous missionary our Elder Rush is. He said he wished he was going to be a teacher because of the way he is helping train Elder Price. it made this mama's heart sing!

I'm Getting Transfered, 15 Companions and 10 areas!

Hello Everyone!
Hope you had a great week!
So I am getting transferred Again. For the Last Time...In Idaho
15 Companions. 10 Areas. I will be training a missionary for 6 weeks in American Falls.
Well I know the time will go fast this last 6 weeks and I want to do my best to remember everything that I have learned. This week something that stuck out to me was the importance of remembering the tender mercies the Lord blesses us with. Elder Eyring gave a great talk on that!
Everything just seems to blend together now. The days, what we do, who we see. SO looking back on the day and seeing the miracles that happened helps me be more grateful. 
Cool story about the Jones.
We went to visit the Rowes. We were told they were not interested in talking to us but thought we'd go anyway. We talked to Brother Rowe who is a member of the Church but has not been for years. He told us that in the last few weeks he has been having feelings and thoughts about going back to church. First off, that was a lesson that you cannot give up on people. WE never know when they will change. We talked about the Book of Mormon and the role it plays in helping our families be together forever. He agreed to have us back and to meet his family. As we walked away, heading back to our car, we decided to keep going not sure why and ended up stopping to talk to an older couple. They were the Jones members of the ward we had not met before. Brother Jones suffers from Dementia and cannot be left alone and his wife has been very stressed with all that is going on. She needed 20 minutes to go run an errand she really need to get done. So she asked if we could talk to her husband while she left. We agreed. For 20 minutes  Brother Jones told us about his life. He had some pretty cool stories to tell. Sister Jones comes back and she is a little teary eyed. She told us that just an hour earlier she really needed help and prayed that God would send someone her way to help her. Then we showed up! It is pretty cool when God lets you know that you were someone's answer to prayer. WE are all important to God and he has in store a wonderful magnificence personal plan for each of us. 
I hope you have a great week
Elder Rush

Elder Rush and Elder Ramirez dropping Elder Mann off at the mission home. He's on his way home!

4th of July!

Hope you had a great week!
And a great Independence Day!
Thursday we went on exchanges with the Assistants. I was with Elder Bradfield in the Pocatello North Stake. 
HIGHLIGHT! We had sushi for lunch! 

That night, the real highlight, we had a lesson with a man named Eric. He is struggling with PTSD and has turned to alcohol to deal with it. He wants to quit and overcome his addiction but is struggling. So we brought Ralph who facilitates an Addiction Recovery Program meeting in Pocatello. It was quit a touching with similar things and it help Eric open up. Ralph testified very plainly about how much God loves Eric and he knows that because Heavenly Father sent Jesus Christ to suffer for everything for us! President Packer said really well,"He by choice accepted the penalty in behalf of all mankind for the sum total of all wickedness and depravity; for brutality, immorality, perversion, and corruption; for addiction; for the killings and torture and terror—for all of it that ever had been or all that ever would be enacted upon this earth. In so choosing He faced the awesome power of the evil one, who was not confined to flesh nor subject to mortal pain. That was Gethsemane!"
Ralph's testimony really seemed to touch Eric and he became teary eyed. That moment was another moment when I understood how much Christ loves me. 
Another moment this week was with Hannah. She is a member from Florida that stopped going to church years ago.  Her life has been in chaos the last 2 years. She came to Idaho for a new start and to get away from a bad marriage. Coming here was a wake up call she said. The two weeks she has been here she has gone to church both weeks. She said that she has felt so much love in the past two weeks that she cannot contain it all. She knows that Heavenly Father has directed her back to the path she needs to be on and she knows that God loves her and always will even through her mistakes. 
This picture she said is how she felt!

Hope you have a great week!
Elder Rush

Elder Rush's 4th of July attire!

Elder Ramirez and Elder Rush Love our Patriotic missionaries!

4th of July with the Stoddards. Elder R and Elder R look like aliens with their light up glasses.

Roasting Starbursts! Elder Rush was sooooo happy!