Friday, November 6, 2015

Miracles Continue to Happen Everyday!


Hope you are all doing well!
Miracles continue to happen everyday here in Idaho!
This week was pretty busy!

The coolest thing happened on Tuesday though. We were out knocking doors in an apartment complex and an 18 year old named Zach came up to us and just started talking to us! We set up an appointment for that day! We taught him the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He just took it all in and asked amazing questions that just blew my mind! At the end of the lesson we felt it was necessary to ask him to be baptized on November 15th and he said yes! Since Tuesday we have seen him everyday. We taught him and he just absorbed everything like a sponge, we took him to a baptism on Saturday and the whole time he just wanted to get up and tell everyone how he felt. We told him to wait a day since Sunday was Fast and Testimony Meeting. Zach got up in front of the whole ward and spoke for 10 minutes telling everyone how he felt and what he knew to be true! He is so awesome! It was definitely a miracle from God to send someone so prepared to receive the restored gospel. The best part is that it is happening all over the mission! God is good! 

Oh and for Halloween we were locked in a church building from 6 to 9 and we got to watch the Cokeville Miracle! It was A GREAT MOVIE! One of the best I have seen. If you have not seen it I HIGHLY recommend you see it now! I hope to visit Cokeville while on my mission!

Lately I have felt like I was plateauing as a missionary not really changing. However I was really just going down hill slowly. One day I was just kinda doing a self evaluation and realized how far off I was. As I took the time to be more willing and humble to open my heart to God and recognize what He wants me to work on, things have changed. I feel more aware of my weaknesses and how much I need God! I have been lucky to gain a stronger testimony of the reality of prayer. It literally is a communication between us and God. He wants to hear from us, He wants to help us but we have to ask. Just as we communicate often with earthly friends we need to communicate with God. I know that as we focus on the importance of prayer and importance our relationship with God, we will see the things in our lives we need to change to receive more happiness! I know that God loves us and cares about each of us as individuals! I hope we can all come to that knowledge through prayer, scripture study and devotion to God!
I love you!
Elder Rush

Using the Supernal Gift of Prayer

I'm so happy to see my Elder Rush still has his goofy side. The picture brightens my day! Love elder Rush and Elder Fontes's weapons!

Elder Fontes and Elder Rush with the Nelsons

The Snake River

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