Thursday, October 22, 2015

All Things Work Together for Good

Last weeks quick email. Since Mitchell was called to be an assistant to the President, he has had little time to email. I'm so grateful I got this short but sweet note last week. Oh how I love and miss my boy!

Our  meetings have been going long on Monday mornings so I do not have much time. But I love you! I hope you are doing well. There are a lot of changes going on in the mission. President Hancock has a lot on his plate. I cannot believe how he juggles it all. Thank you for the quotes I love them. I feel bad I won't have time for a group email but I'm going to try and email everyone back. We had exchanges this last week with struggling missionaries and some not struggling missionaries but it was good to see how love is really the answer to everything. It is interesting to see how love of God changes people and helps them have a desire to change. I hope I can focus on God more and truly LOVE Him with all my heart.  I am grateful for the example of the scriptures and how they teach us to love God more. Thank you for being such a wonderful and loving example! I miss you MOM!

Elder Rush

This week was good.
I had the opportunity to go on exchanges in Blackfoot! That was interesting. We rode bikes the whole day and I was so sore the next couple days! It was crazy! We had some really cool experiences with Mary this week! First off she quit heroine cold turkey! Hopefully she can stay away from it. It is awesome to see her change as she grows closer to God. She realizes the only way to beat her addiction is through Christ. She reads her scriptures, prays, goes to 
church and calls and sets up appointments with us. Now if this can help someone overcome an addiction, just think how important it is for us to do if we don't have addictions or problems like that?
I learned more about patience and sacrifice. Too often people are offended by silly little things, other people or over not getting their way. Or they blame all their problems on other people. There is a really good video that goes along these lines! Watch it before you move on! (Click the link)

What are some thoughts you have?
That made me really think about myself and if I was doing my best to help other people or forgive and forget. I have noticed that when things go wrong people run away from the issues instead of facing it and fixing the problems! But..

This is the talk the video was based off of.

1. Forgive others and do not seek to pass the blame of our situation to them.

2. Learn to serve and think of others even in our times of trial.

I feel if people can master these two points, life would be a lot happier for ourself and those around us!
"As we pass through the trials of life, let us keep an eternal perspective, let us not complain, let us become even more prayerful, let us serve others, and let us forgive one another. As we do this,
“all things [will] work together for good to [us] that love God.” 
I bear a solemn and certain witness that our Father loves us and He sent His Son to show and pave the way for us. He suffered, He died, and He was resurrected that we might live, and He desires that we “might have joy,” even in our trials of life.
Anyway I love you all!

Elder Rush

I'm loving Elder Rushes attire.
So happy my boy still has his wacky side!
My cousin Dana, who lives in Pocatello, emails Sister Timothy who is serving in the Idaho Pocatello Mission. She sent my cousin these 2 pictures which just happen to have my Elder Rush in them. Who in turn sent them to me. That makes this mama's heart sing!

Elder Rush and Elder Fontes

Love the matchy ties I sent! Makes me smile!

I'm not quite sure what this picture is of since Elder Rush is a man of very few words.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

I Went to Dingle Idaho!

This week was awesome!
We were traveling the mission going to meetings, swapping cars, and
knocking doors.
I wanted to mention three experiences real quick.

1. We knocked on a random door this week that we felt prompted to by the Holy
Ghost. A lady answered, we got to know her a little and discussed her
religious background. She told us she was agnostic. She let us in and
we just talked to her about God and who He is. We told her of her
divine potential and that she is a child of God. She just started to
cry as the Holy Ghost bore witness unto her the truth of her relation
to God. She told us she has been trying to find what she means to God
for a long time. Gratefully she is letting us come back and teach her
again! I just want you all to know the divine truth of who you are in
this Children's hymn.

1. I am a child of God,
And he has sent me here,
Has given me an earthly home
With parents kind and dear.

(Chorus) Lead me, guide me, walk beside me,
Help me find the way.
Teach me all that I must do
To live with him someday.

2. I am a child of God,
And so my needs are great;
Help me to understand his words
Before it grows too late.

3. I am a child of God.
Rich blessings are in store;
If I but learn to do his will
I'll live with him once more.

We are all children of God and He loves us. Sometimes we have to
suffer in order to get to know Him better.

2. This weekend was General Conference. That is where we listen to the
living prophet and apostles. I went into those meetings with 3
questions in mind and asked God for answers. Each one was answered and
not just yes or no but detailed. Another proof of God's love for us,
He does answer prayers.

3. During General Conference one speaker talked about Matthew 19:20 or
the story of the rich young ruler.
"20 The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my
youth up: what lack I yet?"
The speaker posed the question as well, what lack I yet. I thought
about it and it helped me remember that life is a path of constant
progress. In order to become better or become more Christ like we need
to always be asking God " What can I change to better fulfill our
plan for me?" That is definitely something I wish to work on more!
Anyway God lives and loves us all. He is waiting to help you but
sometimes we need to approach Him first and ask!
I love you all,

Elder Rush

 I went to Dingle, Idaho, talk about blink and you miss it. I was on exchanges down there. It is pretty much wide open fields surrounded by mountains. There was a lightning storm all around us! It was pretty sweet! 

Dingle Idaho 

Elder Rush on exchanges

Another Idaho Angel sent me a picture of my boy! Made my heart sing!
Elder Rush and Elder Fontes