Tuesday, March 3, 2015

A Warm Welcome to Idaho Falls!

This last week has been pretty busy. I found out I am being transferred to Idaho Falls to be with my MTC companion Elder Dalling. We will be the Zone Leaders there. That will be exciting but I am nervous. 
This last week was filled with Good Byes and much learning from other learners. 
It snowed too but it melted in a couple of hours!
So here are some inspiring picture quotes.
Love Elder Rush

The shortest Email so far! Though he made up for it with pictures! Love my Elder Rush!

Here is a letter to Elder Rush from President Brinkerhoff concerning his call as Zone Leader. So proud of my amazing boy!

Dear Elder Rush ,

This letter confirms the assignment I extended to you to serve as a Zone Leader.  Congratulations on this assignment.  With this assignment, great trust has been placed in you.  I trust that you will be an example of:

*  Exact obedience-the blessings that come to missionaries, who are obedient with exactness are immeasurable, and by being an example you will be able to help the missionaries in your zone be obedient.

*  A Preach My Gospel missionary so that you can show the missionaries how to be successful.

*  A leader who lifts and inspires the missionaries with love.

*  A missionary who is focused on your purpose to bring others to Christ.

*  A leader who is diligent, humble, and effective

Remember to always call upon your Heavenly Father.  The Lord will qualify you for this work as you rely upon Him in faith.  You can also call on the assistants and me for counsel and guidance.

As with all assignments in the Church, at some point in time a release will be issued.  Until that time serve with all your heart, might, mind and strength in furthering this work. It is a privilege to serve with you, in this leadership role.


Marvin T. Brinkerhoff Mission President
My guess is the person taking this picture is not very tall.

The Murdochs, Elder Rush and Brother Kepler

So serious! Studly men! 

The Shaws and Elder Rush

The Robinson Family, Elder Rush and his new monkey friend!

The Hadley family and Elder Rush

The Kepler family with Elder Rush helping with handstand practice, or assisting with cleaning out pockets!

Elder Rush and Jacob.

Elder Rush and Brother Spicer

The Cluff family and Elder Rush.

The Tillotson family and Elder Rush.

Of course, so long to Elder O'Brien from Canada, who really likes..... Hockey!

I love this quote! It reminds me of our valiant missionaries out serving our Father in Heaven; Gods Army! 

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